Rock Band+Apple=Beatles



Audioholic Field Marshall
I love the beatles music, but I wouldn't pick up a separate game just to play their songs... and I doubt many of the "fogies" (of which I'm certainly nowhere near) are going to do the same.


Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, I think this is kind of a dumb idea. I don't know anyone that's into the Beatles, and I would assume that the people that are, aren't into video games.


Audioholic Chief
I doubt many of the "fogies" (of which I'm certainly nowhere near) are going to do the same.
I don't know anyone that's into the Beatles, and I would assume that the people that are, aren't into video games.

Why would you make such an assumption? The greatest rock band of all time in a game called Rock Band? Yeah, who would buy that? :rolleyes:

Good music transcends generations.
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Why would you make such an assumption? The greatest rock band of all time in a game called Rock Band? Yeah, who would buy that? :rolleyes:

Good music transcends generations.
I wouldn't. I have Rock Band and I would buy it if it were an add-on. But to buy a whole Rock Band game for one band? No thanks.


Audioholic Jedi
I agree, the Beatles transcend generations, however I think it will only be a select crowd that will buy this. In other words, I can't see it being a huge seller IMO.


Audioholic Spartan

Why would you make such an assumption? The greatest rock band of all time in a game called Rock Band? Yeah, who would buy that? :rolleyes:

Good music transcends generations.
That's your opinion and you're surely entitled to it. The Beatles aren't my taste and I've never bought one of their albums.

But the bottom line is that the video games are generally the province of young men. Sorry, but I would wager that the vast majority of today's youth don't even know who The Beatles are.

Like others here have said, I might download a track or two of theirs, but I sure wouldn't buy a whole game dedicated to them. I like Aerosmith a hell of a lot more than I like The Beatles and I didn't buy their game.


Audioholic Chief
I agree, the Beatles transcend generations, however I think it will only be a select crowd that will buy this. In other words, I can't see it being a huge seller IMO.
I think it'll be big. I'll wager that the market for the Beatles is bigger than that of Megadeth and Iron Maiden.

But the bottom line is that the video games are generally the province of young men. Sorry, but I would wager that the vast majority of today's youth don't even know who The Beatles are.

Like others here have said, I might download a track or two of theirs, but I sure wouldn't buy a whole game dedicated to them. I like Aerosmith a hell of a lot more than I like The Beatles and I didn't buy their game.
Games in general are going more mainstream. The average gamer today is 29. Part of that is the videogame generation has grown up with games, and part of that is games are more casual.

You can't go a day without hearing a Beatles song somewhere (unless you listen to an ipod all day), just about every other commercial has one (Target, Nike, etc). ESPN highlights, Movie soundtracks, TV show songs, etc.

But i think the biggest selling factor is people actually know the words and the songs are easy to sing along to. Who doesn't know the chorus to Ob La Di Ob La Da or Hello Goodbye or Yellow Submarine? I haven't been to a wedding that didn't play "When I'm 64". Most 10 year olds have heard Come Together. Who knows the words to "Run to the Hills"? Who can hum along to Dragonforce?

The same goes for the Stones or Zeppelin. May not be everyone's favorite band, but the songs are instantly recognizable. Kids may not know it's the Rolling Stones, but they know the song Satisfaction.

Beatles Rock Band would be as close to an instant buy for me as any game i've ever bought. And i've bought a lot :) As a fan of music, i just couldn't pass it up.

That's your opinion and you're surely entitled to it. The Beatles aren't my taste and I've never bought one of their albums.
Who's bigger than the Beatles in music?
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Audioholic Jedi
I think it'll be big. I'll wager that the market for the Beatles is bigger than that of Megadeth and Iron Maiden.
Yes, but the people who like Iron Maiden and Megadeth are more likely the ones who are going to buy a music video game featuring those artists, while most of the Beatles fans I don't see doing the same. Some yes, but most? I don't think so. Yes there are a LOT of Beatles fans out there, but I have to agree that the majority of them are not console owners and this isn't going to change that.


Audioholic Chief
Yes, but the people who like Iron Maiden and Megadeth are more likely the ones who are going to buy a music video game featuring those artists, while most of the Beatles fans I don't see doing the same. Some yes, but most? I don't think so. Yes there are a LOT of Beatles fans out there, but I have to agree that the majority of them are not console owners and this isn't going to change that.
Most and majority are the key words there. And i'd agree with the above 100%.

The Beatles have sold over 1 billion records. 1/10th of 1% of that is 1 million. Think about that for a second...


Junior Audioholic
Dude, The Beatles sold a lot of records YES.

YES YES YES, we all freakin know that. But who bought these records? A bunch of people who are now between the ages of 60 to 80 years old, 99.9% of which have absolutley no intent of ever owning a video game console. And even they did for somereason, would have no idea what to do with a video game controller, how to set up a video game drumset or even how to turn the damn thing on!

They would first have to come out with a damn training cd to teach the old bastards how to use a damn console.

It will not sell good. Should have been a free add on, which would therefor introduce a classic band to a new generation.

The marketing of this, is just bad and wrong on so many levels!


Junior Audioholic
Not to mention, half of the people who bought these 1 billion albums are DEAD!
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Audioholic Jedi
My office mate is 24, an avid gamer, and likes the Beatles. Strange, I know.

The beauty of capitalism. They can try to sell whatever they want, and people can buy it if they want to. I figure, if the game tanks, it's no skin off my nose. :)

However, that takes away from the fun of arguing. Back to it! :D


Junior Audioholic
Why not Evlis Presley rock band if it's all about making a buck?

HAHA Actually that would be hilarious. Some big fat guy with bellbottoms and funny hair all glittered up and gyrating his hips around the screen as your trying to play.


You know what, I bet Evlis rockband would sell more than Beatles, regardless of record sales and stuff, just because he is more iconic and funny to look at. He is the King baybe, uh huh!

Then what? Bethoven "Rock" Band? ... That would be an irony and a half.

All in the name of capitalism baby. Uh huh, uh huh!


Audioholic Jedi
It is the Beatles because Apple just recently acquired the rights to distribute their material. Now we know WHY they wanted those rights - not just iTunes. I am sure that whoever owns the rights to Elvis's material hasn't been approached as that is even OLDER than the Beatles so fans of that time period are even older in general. I am sure the Beatles package will sell, it just won't sell like hotcakes IMHO. I may be wrong.


Audioholic Spartan
You can't go a day without hearing a Beatles song somewhere (unless you listen to an ipod all day), just about every other commercial has one (Target, Nike, etc). ESPN highlights, Movie soundtracks, TV show songs, etc.

But i think the biggest selling factor is people actually know the words and the songs are easy to sing along to. Who doesn't know the chorus to Ob La Di Ob La Da or Hello Goodbye or Yellow Submarine? I haven't been to a wedding that didn't play "When I'm 64". Most 10 year olds have heard Come Together. Who knows the words to "Run to the Hills"? Who can hum along to Dragonforce?

The same goes for the Stones or Zeppelin. May not be everyone's favorite band, but the songs are instantly recognizable. Kids may not know it's the Rolling Stones, but they know the song Satisfaction.
You and I obviously travel in VERY different circles.

I can't remember the last time I heard a Beatles song; unless it was a song that I didn't know.

I'm positive that I have NEVER heard "When I'm 64" at a wedding. In fact, I think the only reason I even know that song is from seeing that Sgt. Peppers movie when I was a kid. Don't shoot me, but I liked Aerosmith's version of Come Together better than the Beatle's version. :D

Like others here have said, I think SOME people would by a Beatles RB game, I just wouldn't expect it to be a huge seller.


Audioholic Jedi
LOL, the funniest thing was the day this thread started and he said that about can't go a day without hearing a song I thought the same thing. When was the last time I heard a Beatles song on the radio and 5 min later on the way home Hey Jude came on :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
There are two mitigating factors that could affect the success of this type of release in addition to interest. First would be the length of the songs and the musical complexity. Most Beatles songs on their first 5-6 albums were not longer than 3 minutes. In fact, they didn't release a song longer than 3 minutes until Help (I had to look this up b/c I was curious, but Hard Days Night had 12 songs that ran for a total of 30 minutes). Much of the fun of Guitar Hero and Rock Band is being able to play a song for 4-5 minutes at minimum, with a live version of Sweet Home Alabama in the newest GH running almost 7 minutes long! It would really kinda suck to be playing for 2 minutes and then having to wait for the system to reload to get to the next song.

Also, I'd be interested to see which Beatles songs they actually release. Many of the early works were formulaic and not very instrumentally interesting (in my opinion). It was a lot of basic chords and simple drum lines. It's not until you get to stuff like Sgt Pepper and the White Album that they really started to expand musically and play stuff that would be fun to play in a video game like GH or RB.

I love the Beatles music, but I would not buy a separate game (at $60) just to play their songs.

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