This quite possibly is the worst thing I have ever heard. Not because because they are over stepping what would be considered common courtesy, but because someone at the top thinks this is ok. This is precisely what has been happening to our economy. People without morals or scruples have been running just about every aspect of our country. People that put more value into getting their next million than they do about taking care of their customers/employees/etc. Our country was founded on the ideals that if people work hard enough they can accomplish anything. Now it seems that people have learned that if they walk on those that work hard enough, they really can accomplish anything, and that is simply wrong. This may not be a good thing that is happening, but this is not the underlying problem, it is just an ugly symptom.
We all know the figures, XX% of the wealth is owned by X% of the population. This is the way things work. The ridiculously rich stay that way and it (quite literally) takes an act of congress to change that. Since many of those people are in the X%, that really isn't going to happen. But what could happen is not making life rougher on Joe 6P just so you can buy that 4th Ferrari. I am not a very religious person, but I sincerely believe in Kharma and all of the people will answer for their wrong doings at some point, Enron being a decent example. Yes, this rant has many tangents, mainly since I believe there are simply too problems to narrow it down to just a few key issues plaguing this country. I'll end there or I'll go on all night. Thanks for reading.