To all the Photographers out there....Help please



Full Audioholic
Ryan, PM sent..Does the megapixals being 6.1 matter that much ? I wanted a 10 or 12 megapixal camera...
Dude, I made a bunch of 20"x30" prints with my D70 that turned out great. Honestly, I'm not sure what more you could want than that! I don't think I ever want more than 12mpx, like the new 25mpx cameras .... f that. Then you just sit there for hours waiting for Photoshop to crunch the huge image, or spending even more money on computer CPU and storage upgrades. And for what?

The 10-12 mpx give you room if you want to crop AND make big prints. But if you fill the frame with your subject and take a nice shot, 6mpx can still make huge prints.


Full Audioholic
Ryan, PM sent..Does the megapixals being 6.1 matter that much ? I wanted a 10 or 12 megapixal camera...
It really depends on what you are going to dp with the pictures. If you are using them to sit on your computer and sometimes print 4X6 or 8X10, then 6.1 wont really look any different from 10 or 12 pixels. It is when you are going to blow up the photo or put it in a magazine that you want more pixels.


Audioholic General
Ryan, PM sent..Does the megapixals being 6.1 matter that much ? I wanted a 10 or 12 megapixal camera...
Megapixels matter, but only so much. People make far too big of a deal over them. The latest 21 and 25 megapixel cameras getting everyone in a stir will likely never be fully utilized by many people who buy them.

If you are printing larger, or using specific printing systems, then you may benefit from more megapixels. Realistically 6mp will make large prints very well if shot properly and handled/printed well. They may not hold up to close scrutiny as much as a 12 megapixel camera might, but I always feel that people who feel the need to stare at prints from 6 inches away to detect all defects are missing the point.

Neither did I, camera fanboys are the WORST ... seriously, it's way worse in the Nikon vs. Canon world than it is in any instance of the audio world. That's the big reason why I stopped posting on sites like dpreview long ago, because couch photogs want to try and nitpick specifications to show that brand X is superior. But Pro's like myself couldn't care less about what gear you're using, just the results.

I thought I made it pretty clear with my first point in the post that I've owned them all, and they all take equally awesome pics. But the first tiny point I make of some brand being better than another is jumped on as "nonsense".
You're getting a little snippy now. Nothing I said at any point in this thread was in any way biased. You used Nikon and Canon? Me too! Owned both myself ;) If you don't want someone to shut you down for making false blanket statements, don't make false blanket statements. The Nikon lenses you've used had better VR systems than the Canon lenses you've used. Nothing wrong in saying that, I might agree or disagree depending on the lenses if you mentioned them in specific.

I agree DPreview is by far one of the worst (but most hilarious) forums out there on photography. I routinely get sent links to threads there from friends that have some of the most ridiculous claims or ideas you'll ever read. It's entertainment, but it's not good discussion and I don't follow the forum myself.

Fanboying for some multi-national corporation of which you have NO involvement, now that's nonsense.

I say go to best buy or a camera store first and play with the camera a bit to see how you like it. Play with changing f-stop and shutter speeds on the fly and see if you feel comfortable doing it. If it feels comfortable in your hands I say go for it. That way you save over $200 that can be used towards a zoom lens.
Agreed. This is far better than sitting back and looking at specs. Go out and handle everything you're interested and let that help you decide. You may find you like Canon's interface better, Nikon's menu, or Pentax's ergonomics.
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Full Audioholic
I'm getting snippy because you're still trying to justify dismissing my post as "Nonsense".

The Nikon lenses you've used had better VR systems than the Canon lenses you've used. Nothing wrong in saying that, I might agree or disagree depending on the lenses if you mentioned them in specific.
You could have asked the first time, and avoided all this. My point was clear, the VR II lenses ARE one stop better than both IS and VR lenses.

But you did apologize, let's move on ... and learn not to jump to conclusions or judgement.

Here are a SMALL percentage of my shots btw,


Audioholic Field Marshall
I agree DPreview is by far one of the worst (but most hilarious) forums out there on photography. I routinely get sent links to threads there from friends that have some of the most ridiculous claims or ideas you'll ever read. It's entertainment, but it's not good discussion and I don't follow the forum myself.
I agree that the forums on are terrible, but don't discount the site for reviews. They have some of the most thorough reviews I've read on any website relating to consumer purchases. They also give some great ideas on products.

Two points for you Jamie:

1) As a non-fanboy who just bought his first SLR, I found there was virtually no difference between Canon and Nikon other than feel. I picked a Nikon b/c my wife and I liked the way it felt when we picked it up. Once we settled on the price range and the models we liked, that was the only deciding factor.

2) I would definitely look at used lenses. You'll get a much better value on used glass than on new glass, and you'll be able to get more lens for your money.

3) (I lied about two points) I would also recommend getting one lens that's versatile enough to use for almost everything. As a casual photographer you don't want to have to be dragging around an extra lens everywhere you go (and risk getting dirt in the body everytime you change) to handle every situation. Nikon makes 18-135, 18-200, and 24-120 lenses and Canon has 18-200 (just released), 28-135, and 28-200 lenses... and these are only the current models you can get new. Something in this range will be more than adequate for your needs for now.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Plus there is the beast also known as the Sigma Bigma

50-500mm f/4-6.3 anyone? :D
that's f-ing sick!!! But why would they make that specifically compatible with the D40 and D60??? Those are their 2 most "basic" SLRs that they target more towards entry-level amateur photographers. Are there really many owners of those cameras that are going to spend $1500 on that particular piece of glass?? Just doesn't seem to fit....


Full Audioholic
that's f-ing sick!!! But why would they make that specifically compatible with the D40 and D60??? Those are their 2 most "basic" SLRs that they target more towards entry-level amateur photographers. Are there really many owners of those cameras that are going to spend $1500 on that particular piece of glass?? Just doesn't seem to fit....
Saying that simply means that the lens has it's own internal focus motor ... since the D40 and D60 bodies don't have their own screw-drive motor, they will only autofocus with lenses that have the motor in them.

Sigma calls their internal focus motor HSM, Nikon calls it AF-S. So if you see lenses with those designations they'll work with the D40 and D60 ... and of course any other Nikon body.

The 'bigma' looks like a toy next to the 120-300/2.8 :cool:


Audioholic Field Marshall
Saying that simply means that the lens has it's own internal focus motor ... since the D40 and D60 bodies don't have their own screw-drive motor, they will only autofocus with lenses that have the motor in them.

Sigma calls their internal focus motor HSM, Nikon calls it AF-S. So if you see lenses with those designations they'll work with the D40 and D60 ... and of course any other Nikon body.

The 'bigma' looks like a toy next to the 120-300/2.8 :cool:
Got it... I'm not as familiar with Sigma lenses and how they designate the names. I was quite confused as to why they would single out the D40 and 60. Thanks for the help!


Audioholic Samurai
that's f-ing sick!!! But why would they make that specifically compatible with the D40 and D60??? Those are their 2 most "basic" SLRs that they target more towards entry-level amateur photographers. Are there really many owners of those cameras that are going to spend $1500 on that particular piece of glass?? Just doesn't seem to fit....
From what I have read the Bigma also works with the D80 as well.


Full Audioholic
From what I have read the Bigma also works with the D80 as well.
It'll work with ANY Nikon body. The reason they specifiy the D40 and D60 is because those bodies will ONLY work with AF-S/HSM lenses, meaning lenses with their own focus motor ... because the D40 and D60 don't have a screw drive focus motor in the body. All other Nikon bodies have a focus motor in the body, so no point of specifying them since that means they work with any lens.


Senior Audioholic
I have a Nikon D70s with several lenses, one of them being the Sigma 50-500 {Bigma}. This lens does a very nice job, yes its not the "fastest", and no its not VR, but for the money its a very versatile lens that does a good job. I also carry my Nikon Cool pix S700. The Bigma with the D70s weighs a little over 6 pounds, so take that into consideration.


Audioholic Samurai
For the Nikon route, consider the D-80 or higher if you want superb glass for super cheap. It gives you the best value in the long run if you are after top notch image acquisition ability on the cheap due to it having full extended backwards compatibility with many old lenses - unlike the cheaper models which require much more modern lens systems, which means much more expensive glass! I refuse to use kit or consumer lenses on a SLR/DSLR. With the D-80 you can go on eBay and buy great old pro-glass for pennies on the dollar of what a modern lens of equal quality/specs would cost. So what if the lens has a few light scratches or marks on it's body from being around for 15 years? As long as the glass is perfect, that's all that matters!



Full Audioholic
Hey Jamie. I use a Nikon D70 SLR with an AF-S Nikkor 18-70mm DX lens for general purpose shooting. I also have a Sigma 70-300mm Macro lens. The Sigma lenses are good but slow. If you got the funds stick with the Nikkor lenses. They have better glass, better mechanics and are super fast, but come with a hefty price tag.
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I am getting Ryans D70s and a couple of lenses..I am totally psyched:D:D:D Thanks to everyone who gave great input. I am about to start on a new obsession I think...


Full Audioholic
Glad I can pass it on to a new enthusiastic owner! If I hadn't seen this thread, who knows how long it would have sat unused in my closet :) You're gonna love it ...


Audioholic Samurai
I am getting Ryans D70s and a couple of lenses..I am totally psyched:D:D:D Thanks to everyone who gave great input. I am about to start on a new obsession I think...
I bet you will love it. Even though I am a Canon guy you really can't go wrong with either of those two brands.

Are there any good Nikkor 300mm+ lenses that are comparable to Canons for the price? ($400-600)


I am very excited and once again thanks to all of you with input on this thread.Gus, I am gonna be a Nikon guy for now but am looking forward to trying the Canons as well....:D


I am very excited and once again thanks to all of you with input on this thread.Gus, I am gonna be a Nikon guy for now but am looking forward to trying the Canons as well....:D
Good choice!

You'll love it!!!!

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