Quick Speaker Connection Question



yeah adam thats what im using. except for #4. its a cable, but it does the same thing the Splitter does though.

as for your question phil, im not sure what kind it is
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
I think your TV is not stereo - I found a review of it online ... so try pulling the plug slightly out of the TV headphone jack just a bit and see if that makes contact with the contacts in your TV's jack.

BTW - the A/V breakout cable I was referring to comes with some portable DVD players to allow hooking it to a TV. It has the tip, two rings and the sleeve on the plug and "breaks out" into three RCA connectors - one composite video and R&L audio or "yellow, white and red" connectors. I've got one right over there (pointing to a pile of cables ;)).


Audioholic Jedi
I think your TV is not stereo - I found a review of it online ... so try pulling the plug slightly out of the TV headphone jack just a bit and see if that makes contact with the contacts in your TV's jack.
Good thinking, Phil.

Another way to check if the headphone output will work with a stereo plug is to use your headphones. Are the headphones stereo (most are)? If so, can you hear sound in both ears when the headphones are plugged into the headphone jack on the TV? If so, then that isn't the issue. If not, then you could get a mono-to-stereo adapter plug like this one from Radio Shack.


my headphones are stereo, and i guess my tv is too. i plugged the headphones in the tv's headphone jack and sound was coming out of both earpeices. i tried what you said phil about slightly unplugging the cord out of the tv, but that didnt help


Audioholic Jedi
Try plugging your speakers directly into the TV's headphone jack to see if that works. In other words, don't use all of those cables and the AUX input - use the main speaker cable that you probably currently have connected to the Xbox. That main cable should have a male 3.5mm stereo minijack connector that could plug right into the TV's headphone jack. This is just to check it out. I know that you eventually want both the Xbox and the TV connected.
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Well - the jack may be stereo but the image I saw online showed one speaker on the lower left front of the cabinet and the review stated that the included VCR is a two head mono unit - so I presumed the TV was not stereo.

Have you plugged the Altec speakers' plug straight into the TV's headphone jack? If so what happened?

EDIT - me and Adam were apparently typing at the same time and he beat me to the button. ;)


i took the cord that is attached to the speakers and plugged it into the headphone jack in the tv, and the sound came through the both speakers. there is a slight buzzing noise, but i can tolorate that
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
i took the cord that is attached to the speakers and plugged it into the headphone jack in the tv, and the sound came through the both speakers. there is a slight buzzing noise, but i can tolorate that
Well then apparently there is an "air gap" somewhere in your cable/adapter configuration contraption... :D


Audioholic Jedi
i took the cord that is attached to the speakers and plugged it into the headphone jack in the tv, and the sound came through the both speakers. there is a slight buzzing noise, but i can tolorate that
My guess, then, is that somewhere in that chain of cables, you either were losing the signal or it was just being too attenuated. I still think that the set-up that I listed out earlier should work for you. My suggestion didn't use the AUX input, but you certainly could go that route if you wanted to.

EDIT: Ahhh...Phil beat me to the button this time! I spent too long typing out my keyboarding joke. :)


ok thats what ill do then. so can u go over what exactly i need to do 1 more time? im going to need some kind of extension for all the cables involved, because my speakers are about 10 ft away from my tv
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic


Audioholic Jedi
Also, look back at post #8 for some other connection options.


its gonna take me a while to figure out what stuff i need, but ill manage. can i buy all of this stuff at a local store? walmart or radioshack?


Audioholic Jedi
Hopefully it won't take too long to figure it out. You've gotten some pretty specific suggestions for equipment here, so that should get you there pretty quickly. If you have any questions, let us know.

Most, if not all, of the things that I recommended can be purchased at Radio Shack. The only thing that they might not have is the 3.5mm switch box. I'm not sure about Walmart. You can certainly check out radioshack.com to see what is available at your local stores, or just stop by there.
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Yep - you probably can find the cables locally if you don't mind paying at least two or three times what they're worth... :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Whether you need more than one depends on (a) which option you decided to go with and (b) what you already have.

Let's start with the first thing: which way of connecting things have you decided on?

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis