As a variation of that, for those whose house has no crawl space - i.e. built on slab - or upstairs installation or internal obstacles such as fireblocks etc, and wanting to hide wires, there are two approaches. One is external with burial along foundation inside conduit, rising at re-entry points. Obviously has to be along outside walls, but may be a method of handling a doorway in the intended path of an internal installation. Then use internal technique to reach interior wall destination.
Internal lower installation, remove the baseboards as there is usually sufficient room to place wire between flooring and drywall. For risers to wall plate destinations, remove enough drywall (approx 2") to gain access to the interior wallspace. (With baseboard removed, also a good time to paint the wall as no masking rquired) Reinstall new baseboard which hides everything.
Also internal, and assumes attic access plus no internal wall obstacles, rout up through the wall plate opening, and back down at destination. Will have to drill a hole from the attic into the stud wallspace for wire routing. Use the method discussed in crawlspace post - driving nail through ceiling instread of floor to use as a marker to establish the drill point.