i thought you have already purchased the second amp? try them bridged, since the 60's are 8ohm speakers, they should run fine. and if you have subs to crossover your speakers with, the less power they need.
i did say that 130w was enough, but having more power doesn't hurt either, i opted not to mention this but i have another theater that has lots and lots of watts per speaker. actually, to be specific: they're currently 360wpc BRIDGED at 8ohms. but i am now in the process of replacing them with big wattage but 4ohm stable amps. e.g. 450wpc at 8ohms, 650wpc at 4ohms OR 250wpc at 8ohms, 310wpc at 4ohms.
oh and one more thing, i do not and cannot hear a difference between all these amps. i just like playing with them, but do feel my 2nd most wasted purchase ever was the Rotel RMB1077. (second only to the eD subwoofers)
i have the following:
Rotel RMB1066
Rotel RMB1075
Rotel RMB1077
Behringer A500 x 4
Behringer EP2500 x 2
Yamaha P2500S