Pretty impressive - 138+ points in an hour and a half.
Thanks, this is giving me the warm fuzzys.
Another group that makes this forum awesome is guys who post pic's. That's a list and a half.
Even my G/F enjoys those. mikec includes his baby in the subwoofer shots!
That's probably what got her to agree to
letting me get a 2nd sub.
Lots of people are to be thanked for their contributions to general hilarity but Mazer really takes the
'cut & paste' cake.
You still need the moniker "Should be listened to".
The 'Looking for a job at AH' is so right though. What could be cooler?
Should I ever get to the 'Should be listened to' level, I will instantly demand:
1. Mtry to divulge what his gear consists of.
2. To know which single post WmAx left thanks for.
3. To know what those two guys do for a living.
Seeing as how aliens have been brought into the discussion I have to add this old joke:
Q: What do Star Trek and Charmin have in common?
A: They both circle Uranus in search of Klingons.
Yep, I just had to bring it to this level.