Ive heard a couple consumer Bose systems at best buy and such, and they sound half decent (yet artificial), just not for the out the roof prices. Ive heard people say that some of their stuff from the 80's was good for its time, and their pro-audio equipment (like the l1 system) gets really good reviews. I know they are all expensive and you can probably get better performance out of another brand. But price aside, how does the 802, L1, 901, panaray, etc, sound in proper placement and a good room? Are they any good or do they still sound like mid-high end consumer garbage? Im just curious because most people refrence to the Lifestyle (pretty decent but $$$$$), wave radio (bad), and 3-2-1 system (terrible) when they talk Bose, yet Ive never heard much about their pro audio division. Any comments?