you could enter your address and zip code into and find out what local "over-the-air" (OTA) TV broadcasters are available in your area. OTA broadcast signals do require a TV antenna to receive and most USB style TV tuners include a very basic antenna. Plug in tuner cards for desktop computers usually do not include an antenna and that requires a run to the local rat shack or wall-dump to buy one.
The "catch" to over-the-air broadcast TV is the distance from your location to the transmitter towers. Under 15 miles and the cheapo indoor antenna should work. Under 30 miles and a top end indoor antenna or an outside antenna should work, and for distances beyond that an external high gain antenna, roof mounted is usually required.
If you post your zip (not the full address), we can look up the general information and give you some suggestions. It would also help to know about your current or apartment/dorm, which way do windows face, ground level or multi-story, in dense urban area or in suburbs/rural area. This all effects your ability to receive the 4 major networks and PBS as free, over-the-air, broadcasts.