Hot Water tank went this morning, Anyone know a decent brand?



Seriously, I have no life.
It's Gas.

We're leaning towards tankless because of energy savings and government rebates. There is a Bosch one recommended but it's 3 grand. It has about $400-$500 worth of rebates though. I found a Canadian company that sells online with units that look promising. Have to wait and see. Just our luck, everything is closed today so that's at least 1 cold shower.


And it has to have happened on a weekend as did mine a few years ago:eek:
Reconsider tankless. It is written up in the current Consumers Report, and, they didn't rate one that costs $3k:rolleyes: I would read it first, unfortunately you are in a bind now:eek:

Is there a requirement for a recirculation system there? If so, that will certainly makes it a much longer break even time.



I woke up this morning to find my shower water all over the floor. Luckily it must've just went as the water hadn't made it that far from the heater. However, the room which houses the tank is next to my HT, and I am not going to risk my HT flooding because of this.

I would like to know if anyone else has gone through this and knows of decent heating systems that don't fail every 10 years or so? I know you can get the on the fly heating systems, but they're quite pricey.

Thanks for any help,
Sheep, I just talked to my neighbor and my boss, both who just recently put in the tankless systems. My neighbor's had his for about 6 months, my boss about a year as it came with his new house. Both said nearly the same thing.. they'd rather have the traditional tank. My neighbor spent about $2100 after rebates and he's figured he saves no more than $10/month. I think it would take a long time to recoup that extra layout. My boss said his unit needed to be serviced for the 2nd time.

Unless you're just trying to be a kinder, gentler human being and save the environment a few lps of gas, I'd stick with the traditional water heater. It doesn't make sense dollar wise.


Seriously, I have no life.
Sheep, I just talked to my neighbor and my boss, both who just recently put in the tankless systems. My neighbor's had his for about 6 months, my boss about a year as it came with his new house. Both said nearly the same thing.. they'd rather have the traditional tank. My neighbor spent about $2100 after rebates and he's figured he saves no more than $10/month. I think it would take a long time to recoup that extra layout. My boss said his unit needed to be serviced for the 2nd time.

Unless you're just trying to be a kinder, gentler human being and save the environment a few lps of gas, I'd stick with the traditional water heater. It doesn't make sense dollar wise.
That is about what CU had to say as well, plus its inability to adjust for different hot water demand. If you trickle it for shaving, it may not fire. I use on on a trip to Europe. It was terrible, constant temperature adjustments with the handle as it heated up it got too hot then when I added cold, it turned off as it sensed low or below threshold flow, then it was too cold:mad:


Audioholic Warlord
Everyone, Thank you for the replies. We ended up getting a normal tank that circulates (as mentioned above). I did however brave 1 cold shower today though. I sounded like Scrat from Ice Age (add this to the list of unpleasant things).

Thanks for the help,


Audioholic Warlord
Yeah, I mean seriously, how are you supposed to get clean taking a bath? Your just sitting in your own dirty water. Or you could shower off after but then you could have just taken a shower to begin with and been done with it. :rolleyes:
Yeah, except soap suspends dirt, so it doesn't stick to you. That's why when you wash things, they get clean.



Audioholic Ninja
Well Sheep, I woke up to no hot water this morning:mad:. The tank is not leaking, everything looks normal but nothing is runing (even the fan). I tried to take a cold shower but just couldn't do it (to masochistic for me). The gas company is on there way over to fix the problem. This tank is brand new, so it is probably an easy fix. I am tired, I stink, I'm greasy and miserable right now and need a hot shower:(. Hopefully I have hot water this afternoon.

Glad to here you got your hot water back Sheep:). Its a crappy experience to go through.


Audioholic Ninja
Well I just checked the diagnostic led lights on the tank and they correspond to "flammable vapors present". The basement was painted yesterday and the fumes from the paint were strong. I am sure the saftey system on the tank detected the vapors and performed a full shut down. I guess I should get advice from the gas company on where to go from here. The fumes are still very strong.


Seriously, I have no life.
Well I just checked the diagnostic led lights on the tank and they correspond to "flammable vapors present". The basement was painted yesterday and the fumes from the paint were strong. I am sure the saftey system on the tank detected the vapors and performed a full shut down. I guess I should get advice from the gas company on where to go from here. The fumes are still very strong.
You may need to ventilate the basement to below the threshold of the heaters setting:eek:


Senior Audioholic
Well I just checked the diagnostic led lights on the tank and they correspond to "flammable vapors present". The basement was painted yesterday and the fumes from the paint were strong. I am sure the saftey system on the tank detected the vapors and performed a full shut down. I guess I should get advice from the gas company on where to go from here. The fumes are still very strong.
Alot of times the system will shut off the gas valve if there isnt enough oxygen in the air. It is a safety feature that is built in. All of the vent free gas logs for home use has it. It may be part of your system as well.



Audioholic Ninja
The technician from the gas company came this afternoon, it was indeed the fumes from the paint that caused the hot water tank to perform a full system shut down. The basement has poor ventilation and even with the windows open was not enough. They guy took the sensor out, placed it outside for a while, reinstalled it and then entered a certain combination in series on the front panel to restart the tank. We added a couple of fans to help out as well. All is good now:).


Glad to hear both of you guys got your water heaters sorted out....


Audioholic General
Heh, our AOSmith is approaching 20 years old... thing is a tank.

We might go tankless when it pukes.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
We gutted our laundry room last spring and replaced the water heater in the process. The old one was over 40 years old! :eek: Only one of the two heating elements worked but it still heated water. I don't know what brand it was but it sure lasted a long time.

It was replaced with an A.O. Smith which has been working fine.


Audioholic General

I knew someone would imply that my pun was literal and figureative.
I henceforth left intentional "like a tank... literally" out to see how long it would take to get a catch on.... didn't take long at all did it?


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