Please, if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. We would be more than happy to answer anything for you.
With any company, you have small issues, and is key to get them handled as fast as possible. As seen with the Keiga amplifiers, we have taken care of all customers in a very timely fashion. Please feel free to read our thread on avs. You can see all of our happy customers.
As Chris mentioned, we knew of Jim's amplifier problem, and took care of the situation as soon as we had parts. I was not aware of any speaker or build quality issues. Please have him contact us so we can take care of him.
Without a customer contacting us, we are oblivious to the issue, and cannot come up with a solution.
As for reviews and product measurements. In the next couple months you will see a few from some credible sources. We have reduced our order lead times considerably. At one point we had a 4-5 month order lead time. We told people that no reviewer would receive product over a customer who ordered, paid, and has been waiting for months. Since this lead time is now down to 3-4 weeks, we have decided to get products into review sites.
Please, once again, if you have any questions or concerns. Being about a product or support, give us a call. There are a lot of great products available these days. We wont lie to you, just for the sake of a sale. If we do not offer what you are looking for, we can make something custom to your requirements. Worse case scenario we can point you in the right direction with another company.
I can assure you that what people have perceived as problems for a long time, are just the same situations being discussed multiple times.
Im sorry for the long post, and good luck in your journey for sub frequency nirvana.
Alex Lindeman
Elemental Designs.