I need advise on a solution for a portable cd player/stereo system. Here is our situation. We are a group of bellydancers none of which knows the first thing about stereo equiptment. We have been carrying around a cheap compact stereo system like the kind you can pick up from Walmart for $150. Needless to say the sound is horrible and when we use it outside to perform, the sound is lost. The speakers can't even handle most of the bass in the music we play through it. We need something with much better quality but as simple to use as the compact player. And sturdy on the outside for being carried from place to place if possible. None of us has mixing capabilities so beyond the normal bass, treble, volume, etc not much is needed. The speakers need to be small enough for one of us to carry one at a time. Money is definately an issue and it will probably be something the troupe will have to all chip in on. I'm not talking about a boombox type of thing. I am interested in advise on something more professional with good speakers, monster cable etc. I realize this might be something we would buy in pieces. Oftentimes the speakers are hung on posts if it's an outside venue, sometimes they're set on the ground, or hung on indoor portable speaker stands so they can't be too heavy or large.