Ghostbusters? Wipeout HD?



Full Audioholic
Anyone got any new info on Ghostbusters getting a new producer? I was really looking forward to that game. How about Wipeout HD? :confused:


Audioholic Chief
Wipeout HD got good reviews and for 20 bucks it is priced well. I bet they will charge for the updates, but, 20 bucks is a pretty cheap cost to test if you like it or not. It is supposed to come out next week.

For 20 bucks I bet we could get a bunch of the ps3 owners on Audioholics to do some Audioholics multiplayer wipeout on PSN, maybe even some non-gamers. That would be fun.

Ghostbusters I haven't been following, it was never my thing.


Audioholic Jedi
Ghostbusters was officially sidelined per wikipedia, since there is some anniversary next year and they are going to hold off for that.


Full Audioholic
I downloaded wipeout last night. Very impressive! the visuals are amazing, and it is silky smooth. If you like racing games, top notch graphics, or both - this is a must purchase!


Audioholic Chief
I got the flu, so, this might make my Friday night more interesting since I can't go out! Thanks for the reminder, downloading now!


Audioholic Chief
Let me know your impressions :)
I love it! Easy to pickup and the online playing is very fun. The graphics are awesome so smooth! Sound is top notch, with a perfect soundtrack (some drum and bass, heard Mason "Exceeder" in there... and some Stanton Warriors too), electronic music was made for games like this.

We gotta get an online thing going one night and get some Audioholics on here. Even the non-gamers would have fun with it... 20 bucks... X to go, joystick to steer.. that's about it, haha. I changed shoot to R1 and absorb to L1, because I found using square and circle kinda hard.


Audioholic Chief
I agree... it would be fun, I need to practice first though!:D
Haha, me too. I'm pretty bad. I had Wipeout for the original Playstation, but this is the first time I have played since. I've been getting destroyed online, haha, but it is fun anyways. I seem to have more trouble on Venom than on the faster modes though, which is strange.

I can't wait to get a bigger TV. This game just screams for a big TV.

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