My ideas
Like i said i need help choosing one Av receiver.
I will uze it on a large room with a 7.1 speakers, gonna uze it to listen music but my priority is to watch movies on a LCD 1080p / 120hz.
i will connect on it: PS3 with a HDMI, Nintendo wii with a component 480p and a cable tv with s-video.
Im new to Sound configuration so corect me on anything. I was thinking since my room is large to buy one receiver with more than 100w per channel like 140w. and no more than 2k dollars.
So the Models ive found are : Denon AVR 4308CI, Yamaha RX-V3900, Onkyo TX-SR876. and i have no idea on wich one is better for my room. If you have any other receiver sugestion will be apreciated.
Don't leave out Marantz SR7002 or SR8002. But of the ones you mentioned I like Onkyo best. Make sure that you can take component or optical in an upconvert to HMDI out. PS3 connected via HDMI is awesome.
Also, is it possible for you to get satellite or fiber optics for TV? If so, the picture will be much clearer and crisper than cable.
When you look for speakers look at their efficiency or sensitivity measurement, 80dB is low effecincy requires a lot of power, 90dB is average pretty good on power and 100dB is high effcincy will use very little power.
Also look at speaker ohms , 4 ohms will require twice as much power as 8 ohms.
Also remember power is logrithmic. going from 100 watts to 200 watts only increases the sound about 15%.
Are there any other speakers you can obtain besides Polk ?
Polk speakers , The RT
i series has good reviews but i on't have any direct experience. Take for example the RT
i8: 8 ohms, 90 db sensitvity. A 100-140 watt would drive them very well. Since your priority is to watch movies I would get the Cs
i A6 center ( most movie dialog and vocals comes through center channel).
The next priority would be a subwoofer. I like SVS brand best, but if you can only get Polk there you might want to look at the PSW303 or PSW404.
The surrounds only add presence and are not that important. Going along with the same series. The Fx
i3 would be good.
I don't know how much you want to spend on speakers but this total speakers is about $2,200 retail USA.
The key thing is for you to deteremine how much you want to spend and then go audition the speakers and pick ones that sound good too you and are within your budget.
Good Luck,