URC support top notch ! A+



Full Audioholic
so i bought the mx-810.

spent most of my evening last night creating a profile. went to transfer the profile and the remote/software took a dump.
i was very upset to say the least, i missed most of one of the greatest NFL games id ever seen. feeling beaten and battered i went to bed.

A little background on the problem:

screen got messed up:
really small

would not "send to remote" my profile. the software would not update (patch file error) & (model ID error ) on my vista machine.

So this morning i called URC and much to my surprise first ring a live person answered. i asked to speak to a tech got a duder named larry who was very helpful. we got it fixed !

heres how:

the short.
(is its a vista issue) if you are having problems and have access try it on an XP host machine.

the long.

1. i reinstalled the software which may or may not have been needed.
2. did the manual key sequence for a reboot on the remote. (maybe over kill in hind sight)
3. the big thing which allowed me to update instantly was to right click the icon and "run as admin" then did the update no problem. do this for the first 4-5 times opening to make sure the update sticks.
4. tried to "send to remote" got an error "disconnected try again"
5. he said there this new work around for vista that seems crazy but it worked ! while software is running and the remote connected place pointer over the "send to remote" icon pull the usb from the host machine, reconnect and listen for the ping of the device being connected then click "send to remote" VIOLA screen is fixed and my profile works flawlessly. once this is done you shouldnt have to do that sequence again. apparently it re-syncs the timing.

NOTE with the new update to the prowizard there is NO indication at the top that the remote is connected as before

spent about 20min on the phone with him we tried several different things but this one worked! he was very patient and glad to help.
he also said they are working on a new update to eliminate this workaround which was discovered this week. and that the problem has only been reported 3 times and all on vista host machines.

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Thanks for posting this info. My 880 is acting up and will not update and I am thinking of one of these to replace it. I have a Vista machine so maybe I'll wait a few weeks and see if they do the update before I buy.

Please let us know if you see this issue resolved after a software update.


Full Audioholic
Thanks for posting this info. My 880 is acting up and will not update and I am thinking of one of these to replace it. I have a Vista machine so maybe I'll wait a few weeks and see if they do the update before I buy.

Please let us know if you see this issue resolved after a software update.
the issue was resolved with the work around in "5" but ill keep you posted on a firmware update.


I had the same kind of experience with a tech at URC last week. I was very happy with the service they provide. I would recommend them 110%...:D


run the URC software as an adminstrator for updates;) 64bit vista has some known issues also.

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