There are a couple of others which really come up with the points that I consider matter the most...
Speakers are personal preference, they are not a 'budget' thing first, but are a budget thing SECOND. If you find speakers you like which are $2,000 total, then go with them, but don't listen to anyone else beyond your own ears. Best Buy, Myer Emco, The Gifted Listener (all localish), can provide many different levels of listening experiences combined with sales information that may or may not be totally worthless, but if you don't personally like what you see and hear, then it doesn't matter.
Always a possibility:
That's a lot of speakers for the money.
For receivers, I really lean towards Denon. I love my Yamaha, but I continually hear that Denon amplifiers are a cut above what almost anyone else delivers, and I've seen Pioneer's amps simply not cut it for some installations I've done. But, it's not a world of difference really. A decent A/V receiver comes down to features, and I don't think that you will be upset with about anything, yet I would be looking for some decent power and some decent features with your budget, and would likely consider the new Denon AVR-2809 right away with a fair bit of bells and whistles.
Remember, enjoy the process, and look for stores which will audition gear for you. The Bethesda Myer-Emco is a pretty good store with some more upper-end gear for listening. The Gifted Listener is all about audio, and may have been one of my best listening experiences even though I didn't buy from them.
Best Buy? Magnolia? Circuit City? You aren't going anywhere with them, but they should be considered as the most fun to just tool around in without thought. If you are here for more than 5 minutes, you likely know more than 50% of any BB/CC employee. Except for a key few, you won't be helped by those types of stores.
Speakers do always seem to fit a basic line IMO though... The more you pay, the more you get, from almost every reputable manufacturer. While some area fair bit pricier than others, and some are 'high end' models only, almost all brands, from Klipsch, to Def-Tech, to B&W, to Meridian ($$$!), offer a performance jump as you spend more cash.
Where I wouldn't slouch? Subwoofer.
You may also want to take a look at which I personally used to pick up a Velodyne HGS-18 speaker a few years back for $1,400. I could possibly sell that speaker today for what I paid for it. Good deals can be had if you look, but there is always a risk with used gear... but you can save 50% on MSRP as well.
Good luck!