Safe Holiday Weekend!!!!!!!



Audioholic Overlord
Folks, I just would like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a happy and safe Labor Day Weekend. Do any of you have any special plans? Why not share with us? As for me, just the typical-may grille out some and perhaps gets some r&r. Thus, I may even go catch a movie or two as a means to get my mind of some of my problems. Anyways, just be careful especially if your plans involve any drinking.




Audioholic Warlord
This is what I will be doing this weekend.

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Audioholic Ninja
I wish. Classes started this past Monday (8/25) and I don't get Labor Day off. On top of that I have about 600 pages of reading and a paper to write. Maybe I will have some time to work on my current speaker build or cook something nice...maybe.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, Phil...and right back at ya! Leave it to you to put up another great, light-hearted thread. Kudos.

I plan on driving up to Phoenix on Sunday. I'm going to meet with a woman (seems strange to use that term - read on) that I first met 15 years ago at a summer camp - I was a counselor, she was one of the kids. We kept in touch for a few months back then, but then stopped. Turns out, she was recently just up the road in Phoenix for three years in law school. By chance, I came across her e-mail address, but it was the night before she moved back to Illinois, so we never met up. She's back for the weekend, though, so we're going to try to meet again for a little bit. It'll be great to see her again and catch up with how she's doing. She was a great kid - lot of potential (clearly, she graduated from law school). I'm looking forward to it. Well, not the drive, but I can live with that. :)


Full Audioholic
I'm going to a crab feast on Saturday and will probably just touch myself for the rest of the weekend, for no real reason.

Be safe if you're driving anywhere folks and yes, you did turn off the iron before leaving....but not the space heater. Just turn's only a couple hours back home....

Polk Audio CS


Audioholic Overlord
This is what I will be doing this weekend. funny Maz. That was an awesome movie. DeNeiro always has had a comedic side to him for the most part. Looking forward to seeing his new movie coming out soon with Al Pacino. So, if that your selling style Maz........LOL???? :cool::cool: I take it you have to work on the holiday weekend eh? Do you think there will be a lot of traffic to come on your lot??? Well, maybe you will sell a few and make some money. Good luck.


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Audioholic Overlord
I wish. Classes started this past Monday (8/25) and I don't get Labor Day off. On top of that I have about 600 pages of reading and a paper to write. Maybe I will have some time to work on my current speaker build or cook something nice...maybe.
Ouch Andrew sounds like you have a very busy weekend lined-out. I take it you are in Grad school? Papers never really bothered me too much, but the large volumes of reading sure took its toll on me. Never been known to be a speed reader myself. Anyways, just pace yourself and do what you can. This is what helped me get through. Thanks for sharing and good luck.




Audioholic Overlord
Thanks, Phil...and right back at ya! Leave it to you to put up another great, light-hearted thread. Kudos.

I plan on driving up to Phoenix on Sunday. I'm going to meet with a woman (seems strange to use that term - read on) that I first met 15 years ago at a summer camp - I was a counselor, she was one of the kids. We kept in touch for a few months back then, but then stopped. Turns out, she was recently just up the road in Phoenix for three years in law school. By chance, I came across her e-mail address, but it was the night before she moved back to Illinois, so we never met up. She's back for the weekend, though, so we're going to try to meet again for a little bit. It'll be great to see her again and catch up with how she's doing. She was a great kid - lot of potential (clearly, she graduated from law school). I'm looking forward to it. Well, not the drive, but I can live with that. :)
Hey Adam nothing wrong with that my friend. I just ran into an old friend the other day. Looked her phone # up and to my surprise it was listed. She is only a friend, but at one time I thought there would be more. It was obvious she felt the same, but it never came to pass. I plan on catching up with her and who knows what may happen. Just be careful driving as there will be a lot of people out on the road.Wouldn't want to lose you.....LOL!!!! ;);) What would the pooch do if we did???? :eek::eek: What would we do for that matter.......???? :D:D Have fun.




Audioholic Overlord
I'm going to a crab feast on Saturday and will probably just touch myself for the rest of the weekend, for no real reason.

Be safe if you're driving anywhere folks and yes, you did turn off the iron before leaving....but not the space heater. Just turn's only a couple hours back home....

Polk Audio CS
Crab........mmmm........nothing like crab legs if you ask me. That really sounds like you are in for a treat. Thanks for sharing Mark.




Audioholic Jedi
...and will probably just touch myself for the rest of the weekend, for no real reason.
LMAO, Mark!!! The first time I read your post, I was half asleep at 4am, and I didn't even see that. It hit me the second time around.

That's good stuff!


Audioholic Warlord
So, if that your selling style Maz........LOL???? :cool::cool: I take it you have to work on the holiday weekend eh? Do you think there will be a lot of traffic to come on your lot??? Well, maybe you will sell a few and make some money. Good luck.
Thanks Speakerman,

As a matter of fact. When showing the trunk to people, I use the same line he does about how many bodies will fit inside.

We had good traffic today. I sold 5 cars this past week, but nothing today.


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks Speakerman,

As a matter of fact. When showing the trunk to people, I use the same line he does about how many bodies will fit inside.

We had good traffic today. I sold 5 cars this past week, but nothing today.
Wow Maz, (5) last week is very good. When I sold cars, I averaged about (22) units a month. The sad part was I would write like (100) deals a week and be lucky if I got (25) or so approved. :eek::eek: It is good, however, to throw a little sense of humor into your selling style as it serves to put people more at ease. At work, we have a demo Diamond 10" D1 sub that is not fully connected to the basket. I keep it on top of my case up-front and act like I am setting it off only to lift the cone and voice coil completely out of the basket.........LOL!!!!! :p:p You should see some of the looks I get. Have been told I put on a good show.........LOL!!!!! :cool::cool: Anyways, it was kinda slow today, but did sell a few things. Thanks for sharing Mazer.




Audioholic Overlord
:eek: 22 a month. If I averaged 22 cars a month, I'd be well over $300K a year.
Yeah, but this was back in the late 80's. As such, the pay was decent at best. Just did not care for it much so I moved on. I learned rather quickly though, that the money to be made was with the used cars not new. Things may have changed since then. Most of the new car deals paid minimal unless there was a spiff on it. Sometimes, GM also had things like "Spin The Wheel" where a new sale may lead to other rewards. Think I got an extra $400 once doing that which really was not bad for a new car sale. Most of the time, car audio is a bit easier to sell. I don't make as much money, but find it easier for the most part since it is not really a major purchase. I was a "green horn" so to speak back then. :rolleyes::rolleyes: If I sold today, I do believe I could do better. However, the economy is not the greatest. What brands do you sell Maz?




Audioholic Overlord
Great-looked at one today. Not sure what model. The guy just wanted an amp and subs hooked up via a line-level converter. He just wanted to keep his factory radio. It sounded pretty good actually. I cut him a good deal since most call me "Dollar Bill Phil"...........LOL!!!!! :eek::eek: Came in asking for me. I always try to throw a bit of humor in myself. :p:p




Audioholic Jedi
To quote the lyrical genius of Everlast:

"Dollar bill y'all. Dollar bill y'all.
Dollar dollar dollar dollar bill y'all."


Audioholic Overlord
To quote the lyrical genius of Everlast:

"Dollar bill y'all. Dollar bill y'all.
Dollar dollar dollar dollar bill y'all."
LOL......hmmmmmmm............interesting Adam. :D:D




Audioholic Overlord
Well, I hope everyone's holiday weekend is going well. Think I am going to go see a movie. Perhaps Babylon AD or something. Just feels good to kinda get away for a bit. Then, I plan to come home and get some r&r. Anyways, have a great day people.



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