Heading back home soon...



Two weeks and counting, maybe even sooner than that, just waiting on some paperwork to process. I have a bad case of deja vu, like I've done this one, two...four times before.;)

I can't believe I'm going back to an almost seven month pregeant wife.:eek:


Senior Audioholic
Hi Matt,

I'm so glad that you're able to make it hope for the birth of your baby!! Thanks for all you have done for us, we'll be glad to have you back. Now on to the important questions: What's the first thing you're going to eat when you get back? :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Glad to hear you are coming home. As obscbyclouds that is great news that you will be home for the birth.

Eat? I'd be lining up the Scotch now!:D



Great too hear you are coming home soon! Just in time for a new papooska :)



P.S.- Thanks for your service, both to our Country and to Audioholics !!!! ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Great news! Congrats on being able to come back in time for the kiddo too.


Good news

Glad to here you are coming home. Hope its for a long time..... Hey just think,you get the best months her pregnancy.......:eek:....... Seriously Congratulations on the new little one...:)


Audioholic Spartan
Great news Matt!

I'm wondering though, which Audioholic you are naming your child after???

"Little STRONGBAD" ... has a nice ring to it!:D (even if it's a boy:rolleyes:)

Take care and many thanks to you, yours and the especially the K9's
>>>As my t-shirt says: "DOGS RULE"<<<



Audioholic Overlord
I pray that once you safely set foot on good ol' US of A soil again, you stay here, at least until this Iraq/Middle East thingie is sorted out once and for all.

May He watch over you.

So, what IS the food you've been craving the most over there? :)

When I was in the PI for 18 months in '70 (not that that holds a candle to your service) I was hankering for a Noo Yawk/New Joisey Pizza.


Hi Matt,

I'm so glad that you're able to make it hope for the birth of your baby!! Thanks for all you have done for us, we'll be glad to have you back. Now on to the important questions: What's the first thing you're going to eat when you get back? :D
Texas Road House- a big steak and a Corona...I'm easy to please.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
congrats! it's nice you will be able to make your baby's birth. it's probably the months leading to it you should miss :)

stay safe. time for a countdown :)


I pray that once you safely set foot on good ol' US of A soil again, you stay here, at least until this Iraq/Middle East thingie is sorted out once and for all.

May He watch over you.

So, what IS the food you've been craving the most over there? :)

When I was in the PI for 18 months in '70 (not that that holds a candle to your service) I was hankering for a Noo Yawk/New Joisey Pizza.
That would be nice, I'm going to make some phone calls when I get back about a new course in Yuma, AZ developed for the training of deploying K9 teams. They are currently looking for Army instructors now and I know some people that know some people...looks hopeful. That will most likely lock me stateside for 2-3 years at least.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Great news! Glad you're coming back intact. Hope all is well with Beast, too.



Great news! Glad you're coming back intact. Hope all is well with Beast, too.


She's doing well, took her on a little run last night which she enjoyed. I think she knows something is about to happen....


The charcoal is always ready!

And we might be able to find you a Corona sittin' around on the beach.
I'll make it out there some day, maybe after the new year, when we get the house sold and the baby is a few months old.

That's a lot better than going home to a 7 month old baby!
Things are working out for the best. :cool:
Yeah, no doubt! I'm really thankful I'll get to be there for the birth, a lot of guys in the military end up missing speical moments in life like this.


Audioholic Spartan
Congratulations on another succesful deployment, a well deserved trip home and the thrill of a new addition to the family. Thank you for your service.


Well after a little administrative delay (waiting on my tour of duty award to process) I will finally be flying to Kuwait in a couple days. I've been bored to death this past week with not having a job and all. I did accomplish something to day...watched Tombstone for the 1500 time.:D

Still waiting on that good steak and a ride on my bike.


Audioholic Jedi
Hey, Matt, that's awesome! Have a safe trip back. I can only imagine how nice it will be to get back home. I'm sure that your wife and pooches will be extremely happy to see you!

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