Soul Calibur IV PS3



Audioholic Jedi
One word - disappointing. Playing as Vader - ok. New graphics and sound, not bad. Game play - pretty much the same as before, and that is where it is the biggest letdown. The trailer made it look like an evolution of the game, but it turns out to be little more than a freshening. It is fast paced, it is big and flashy, but still not enough new to make it worth a purchase. I did get it with a 10% off coupon and a gift card, but I almost feel like I could have used that gift card for something else....:rolleyes:

D.R. Payne

I traded in some games I wasn't playing (UT3, VF5, Lair) towards this on Saturday. I didn't own any existing Soul Calibur game so I didn't have any expectations. All in all this seems like a solid game. Its FAR less frustrating than Virtua Fighter 5 in that I was able to learn some moves and combos without investing 20 hours in the game.

The game seems pretty button masher friendly but is obviously far more fun when you start getting some strategy down. I don't have much time to devote to it yet, but it seems like it might be a fun distraction before/after movie nights.


Audioholic Jedi
I was going to say, if someone wasn't familiar with the frachise, it might be fresh, but for those who have owned/played former versions, I didn't find it as big of an improvement as anticipated. I personally really like VF5 because of the depth of play, but it is a far more complex game with literally hundreds of possible moves per character and that does make it harder to pick up. SC4 is fairly simple and straight forward, but it didn't really add anything much more than nice sound and graphics IMO. And of course, the over the top chicks.... There are a number of unlockable characters, "sub-bosses" that once you have beaten them, they become playable, but they are basically just copies of other character's styles with some different grabs and power moves.

D.R. Payne

I played a PS2 version with Hiachi briefly, but I am more from the school of Street Fighter 2, Tekken, and the various mortal kombat games. I can appreciate what it must take to learn a VF character but its just not fun for me. I'd rather have a game like street fighter with a low barrier to entry (easy to get people to play w/you casually) where you can learn moves fast but mastering a character takes a long time.

My wife and I played SC IV for hours last night after the kids went to bed. The game is very button-masher friendly, which I'll count as a good thing in this instance; she could sometimes win a fight or two even though I'm the better player by pulling off some wack moves.


Audioholic Jedi
Yep, that unexpected factor tends to be more difficult to fight. I prefer Tekken to Soul Calibur, but my son and I were just looking for some fun 2 player games :) He pretty much can't beat me at Tekken :D But he is equal or better at most other games.


Has anybody tried the Xbox360 version? I've been waiting for it, but figured I'd wait to hear some reviews. Yoda should be a pretty cool character to play if he hops around.

D.R. Payne

A review I read on IGN had the following to say about the 360 vs. PS3 versions:

-The optional install on the PS3 feels much cleaner/faster, but other than that the games are identical.
-Yoda is "broken", he can't ever be grabbed!


Audioholic Jedi
I was going to say, you pretty much are limited in the moves that can even hit Yoda, making him the perfect character :) I would much rather have had him than Vader.

D.R. Payne

The review said it was broken enough to not even consider him a "serious" character. I believe (don't quote me on this) that it said The Apprentice was a bit overpowered as well?


Audioholic Jedi
Yes, The Apprentice is rather unbalanced compared to the other characters, and it doesn't appear that you can unlock him for use. He was tougher than the final boss to defeat - he is more mobile, counters/blocks more and is more aggressive than more or less all of the other characters. The first time I fought him, it took me as long to figure him out as it did to beat all of the other characters combined.

D.R. Payne

Yes, he's far too fast. I amable to play as the apprentice, seemingly just by beating Alogol in arcade mode?


Audioholic Jedi
I've beaten him a few times, where is his character selection? Under Algol? The only place The Apprentice seems to appear is in Arcade mode.

D.R. Payne

I'll check it out tonight, I for sure played as The Apprentice in Versus mode.


Audioholic Spartan
One word - disappointing. Playing as Vader - ok. New graphics and sound, not bad. Game play - pretty much the same as before, and that is where it is the biggest letdown. The trailer made it look like an evolution of the game, but it turns out to be little more than a freshening. It is fast paced, it is big and flashy, but still not enough new to make it worth a purchase. I did get it with a 10% off coupon and a gift card, but I almost feel like I could have used that gift card for something else....:rolleyes:
If you decide you wanna sell it, give me a call.


Audioholic Spartan
Will do. Or if you have something I'm interested in, possibly even a trade.
I hadn't bought it yet, because I don't like to play fighting games with the Sixaxxis. I have the HUGE Tekken fighting stick, but it didn't work when I tried it with VF5. But I just read that the adapter I have for my GH guitar is supposed to work, but with some lag. I haven't tried it yet though.

I haven't bought many games lately. The only recent games I've bought are:

Condemned 2 (Still haven't really played it)

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis