This is like my thesis from the Computer Class thread.
Trim rings removed. T20 Torx screws.
Mid range wires disconnected at crossover. They are fixed in the non removable housing within the cabinet.
Bottom of stock cabinet. Completely undamped.
Ready for glue. I ran a light stream at can/basket connection and on the outer edge of the can where it resembles the top of a tuna can. Lots of dry time needed. Glue reapplied to make sure any chance of rattling was removed.
1" duct liner installed on back, top and bottom. Lining is toward the inside of the cabinet. Another layer was placed on top of this layer with linning toward the cabinet walls (not shown in pic)
Formaldahyde free thermal insulation adhered with 3M 77 spray adhesive. Pre cut veil like fabric ready to go in.
Mid range housing stuffed with insulation. Fabric installed. A 4"x6" piece of double sided adhesive rubber roofing membrane was used the adhere the fabric to the underside of the midrange housing. Crossover installed with 2-1/2" coarse threaded drywall screws. Stock damping material rubber banded to port as insulation filter.
Echo effect was reduced when speaking into a driver-less cabinet. Placing my ear to the top and sides of cabinet while playing music made me think that less sound was comming through the cabinet.
The real objective was to get the magnetic shields glued up. Everything else is a temporary measure. I figured it couldn't hurt and I was sick of stock piling insulation products in my utility closet.
TIP: Lubricate the grill pegs.
The feet were removed. The speaker was placed on a contraption I thought might decouple it from a resonant floor. I made it with rubber vibration isolators on the top and bottom of some lumber core ply sandwiching some gum like stuff tin knockers use. The only thing I had to pay for was the Super Glue.
Edit: The titles and descriptions didn't make it from Photobucket.