Some could be at a 10-45 angle at worst. The point of the screens is that charts will be running there. Traders will look at their own displays most of the time; the projected screens are to highlight particular topics, so it may be viewed for a couple of minutes at a clip.
If we do extended presentations, I would anticipate people "moving back" who are seated too close to the screen anyway; that's an issue with the layout of the room, which we cannot change.
Envision a 20' wide x 24' deep room with desks against the wall on the sides and a row of facing desks down the middle, all running the "deep" direction. The screens will be in the "aisles":
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People at outer desks are facing "out", people on inner desks face each other. Screens run with charts on them and, as we point things out, people turn to look. So those people seated closest to the screen are at a bad angle, but that is unavoidable. As long as they can see, even if it is not perfect, it should be "good enough" for a couple of minutes of viewing before they return to their own LCD montiors.
That said, it sounds like screen selection is an important criteria I had not considered. Does a "high power screen" accommodate higher lumens, does it "reflect" better from different angles? Is it a brighter white or are there other criteria that make it "higher power" ?