After four years, I got myself a new computer for home. I bought an HP Pavilion Elite d5000t, and so far I'm very happy with it. It's my first experience with Vista (yeah, I gave up on being an early adopter a while ago

), and after dreading it based on some reviews, it's really quite nice. The Aero visual interface is a nice upgrade from XP, IMO. Translucent windows are certainly nothing new, but I like how it's set up. I still need to look more into possibly disabling some of the security checks, but I'm not annoyed at the OS one bit.
This is my second HP, and they haven't let me down. I bought my first HP back in 2003 and really liked it, but I gave it to my parents a year later when I decided to try my hand at building a computer. My home built unit worked well, but I just could never get the air flow that I wanted. So, it would either be a lot louder than I wanted due to cranking up the fans, or it would overheat, or both. Four years after building it, I decided to try another HP - and this thing is nice! The d5000t models are not small boxes, but it is fast and quiet. The stock cooler on my quad-core processor is fantastic - whisper quiet so far, and it hasn't gotten any louder when I task all cores at 100% for hours (I like to run SETI@home, but my home built computer made it a pain because of the heat). The d5000t has a good power supply and plenty of expansion capability, and I really like how HP has stopped shipping computers with a bunch of bloatware on their stock image. I do wish that they would include official install discs of the OS and licensed software, though.
If you're in the market for a new PC, then I recommend looking at HPs. They have coupons on a pretty regular basis. I used a $400 off coupon (it's what inspired me to bite), which basically got the price of my configuration down to what you'd expect to pay these days for it. I check for coupons, but they are posted other places. I can't say if they are better than Dell, but I can say that I like mine.
Just wanted to share my impressions of the hardware and OS. Thanks.