I just Got a Call from Homeland Security



Audioholics Master Chief
Last night I got a message on my answering machine from Homeland Security. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I thought I was in trouble for god knows what, and then he got to the point in the message that it was on behalf of someone I knew.

That person incidentally is one of my best friends whom I've known since 9th grade. Unfortunately he has moved away to goto school and I haven't heard from him in at least 6 months. I left him a VM via his Cell to confirm but haven't heard back.

Today I called back the Homeland guy and it turns out my friend listed me as a character witness since he is applying for a government job.

The guy insisted that I must meet him in person since its Homeland policy. So as I was arranging a meeting with him, he heard my wife's voice in the background and asked if she knew my friend as well. I said yes of course and as a result he wants to meet her too.

Now he wants to come to my home to meet us both and he stated that NOT as an option I can refuse but a mandatory proceeding.

The scary thing was this guy knew a lot of stuff about me, including the high school I went to, the fact that I owned my own business (Audioholics), where/when I incorporated it and probably even my blood type which I believe is O+.

This is a bit bizarre for me as I don’t feel comfortable having this guy in my home. Next time someone wants to use you as a reference for a job, think twice!


Full Audioholic
Uhh, yea ... that's too much, and a bit creepy because now they're putting YOU under the microscope.


Last night I got a message on my answering machine from Homeland Security. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I thought I was in trouble for god knows what, and then he got to the point in the message that it was on behalf of someone I knew.

That person incidentally is one of my best friends whom I've known since 9th grade. Unfortunately he has moved away to goto school and I haven't heard from him in at least 6 months. I left him a VM via his Cell to confirm but haven't heard back.

Today I called back the Homeland guy and it turns out my friend listed me as a character witness since he is applying for a government job.

The guy insisted that I must meet him in person since its Homeland policy. So as I was arranging a meeting with him, he heard my wife's voice in the background and asked if she knew my friend as well. I said yes of course and as a result he wants to meet her too.

Now he wants to come to my home to meet us both and he stated that NOT as an option I can refuse but a mandatory proceeding.

The scary thing was this guy knew a lot of stuff about me, including the high school I went to, the fact that I owned my own business (Audioholics), where/when I incorporated it and probably even my blood type which I believe is O+.

This is a bit bizarre for me as I don’t feel comfortable having this guy in my home. Next time someone wants to use you as a reference for a job, think twice!

That is a bit strange that he says it's mandatory to meet at your house. I've had friends called on my behalf when my clearance expired and I was up for renewal and they did it at a neutral setting i.e. restaurant. I'd try and call the field office he works out of and get verification about this.


Audioholic Overlord
I'd definitely make sure it's not a scam.;)

Matt beat me to the punch by mear seconds it seems.:D

Could be an identity thief, I hate those guys.

(definitely get ahold of your friend too)
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Audioholic Spartan
Yikes Gene! I hope it goes smoothly without too much uncomfortability or nervousness. My experiences are also that the only background checks I've heard of were by phone.

I'll share one story told to me by some former high school classmates. My friend was taking a job with the CIA (after Dr in astrophysics at Berkeley). He listed mutual friend as a reference. Job applicant told friend to "tell them everything and anything, because they will find out anyways".

So they called him at work. They go on and on. Friend finally had to stop the conversation with, "Can I please call you back when I get home? Id really love to talk about this, but I'm at work!!!". :p

I've met a co-worker of said friend, and she said that everytime she needs to pee, she must shut down computer, remove hard drive, store it in the locker. After pee break, unlocks locker, re-installs drive, boots computer. :eek: I have another friend who works for a private company that is contracted with the government. Not even his wife knows his job title... crazy world.. :rolleyes:


Audioholics Master Chief
Ok it gets even weirder now.

I tried calling my friends homephone since his brother and dad still live there and it's been disconnected.

The callerID for this homeland guy is listed as his name NOT Homeland and he told my wife that is his cell#. He says he is with the local branch in Clearwater Florida. I will need to look that up to see if it even exists.


Audioholic Overlord
Ok it gets even weirder now.

I tried calling my friends homephone since his brother and dad still live there and it's been disconnected.

The callerID for this homeland guy is listed as his name NOT Homeland and he told my wife that is his cell#. He says he is with the local branch in Clearwater Florida. I will need to look that up to see if it even exists.
Oh yeah, this screams scam. I think you know what's going on. You don't even need us to tell you.;)

It's a hacker on steroids.


Audioholics Master Chief
Alas I got my friend on the phone. He says the guy is nothing more than a PI contracted by Homeland since my friend applied for a job with them. The guy is a stooge and trying to act important and powerful.


Alas I got my friend on the phone. He says the guy is nothing more than a PI contracted by Homeland since my friend applied for a job with them. The guy is a stooge and trying to act important and powerful.
I was thinking about that too, since when does Homeland Security do background checks for any government agency? I hold those yahoo's in the same regard as my personnal favorite goverment employee, the TSA "agent".

I'd call him back and tell him to get bent.


Junior Audioholic
I was thinking about that too, since when does Homeland Security do background checks for any government agency? I hold those yahoo's in the same regard as my personnal favorite goverment employee, the TSA "agent".

I'd call him back and tell him to get bent.
I vote for Matt's suggestion just because it's the FUNNIEST one. Seriously though, Gene, looks like it was good that your scam alarm went off. Not a scam per se, but doesn't seem fully truthful! I certainly wouldn't trust him in my house.


Senior Audioholic
Alas I got my friend on the phone. He says the guy is nothing more than a PI contracted by Homeland since my friend applied for a job with them. The guy is a stooge and trying to act important and powerful.
Inform Homeland security that a PI is presenting himself as an HS agent.

I would be willing to bet that this is illegal activity...he should have presented himself as working for..not as the real deal.

Cheers, John


Give him Tom's address instead. :D

It could always be the Monster Cable lawyers :eek:
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When my Dads security clearance would come for renewal, a Justice Depatment agent would conduct interviews with myself, as well as neighbors, other employees. The interview was very cold and steril, with questions from simple to absurd. I remember the guy telling me that lying or desciption would be a Federal offence, punishable by federal law.
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Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
I remember the guy telling me that lying or desciptiont would be a Federal offence, punishable by federal law.
Just ask Martha Stewart.

Mort (who would be keeping the shotgun by the front door at this point)


Audioholic Samurai
Alas I got my friend on the phone. He says the guy is nothing more than a PI contracted by Homeland since my friend applied for a job with them. The guy is a stooge and trying to act important and powerful.
This guy may be a stooge alright, but he still knew an awful lot of information about you, which in many ways makes even that much scarier than had he been an actual Homeland Security agent. I wouldn't necessarily blow him off altogether, but would seek out the driving entity behind all of this - Homeland Security themselves, which looks like you've already basically done (or are in the process of doing).



Audioholic Samurai
Inform Homeland security that a PI is presenting himself as an HS agent.

I would be willing to bet that this is illegal activity...he should have presented himself as working for..not as the real deal.

Cheers, John
Totally agreed...


Audioholic Field Marshall
This guy may be a stooge alright, but he still knew an awful lot of information about you, which in many ways makes even that much scarier than had he been an actual Homeland Security agent. I wouldn't necessarily blow him off altogether, but would seek out the driving entity behind all of this - Homeland Security themselves, which looks like you've already basically done (or are in the process of doing).

I agree with Halon.

A girl I knew in college got a job with the State Department (nobody was ever quite sure what it was), and they came to campus and fully interviewed literally 20-30 people over a week long period. They asked everything and anything. Funnily- the girl was just about the world's biggest b**ch :), but she got the job in the end! I still think people must have lied!!!
Gene is a scam MAGNET. Ask him about, not Homeland Security, but his former Home Security company experience... lol.

Anybody who tells me they have to meet at my house for any reason can kiss my beautiful round buttocks unless they show up at my door, in uniform, with ID, and armed.


Audioholic Overlord
Gene is a scam MAGNET. Ask him about, not Homeland Security, but his former Home Security company experience... lol.

Anybody who tells me they have to meet at my house for any reason can kiss my beautiful round buttocks unless they show up at my door, in uniform, with ID, and armed.
Geez Clint remind us not to come by and drop off some cookies......LOL!!!!! :p:p Just kidding. Actually, you do have a point depending on who is doing the kissing. :D:D



On a side note: This all smells a little fishy to me. Personally, he needs to be reported as a means to give this guy a reality check.

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