Children's Fashion Couture Vs. Big Box Store Cables
This story has been fascinating. For those of us that have been following Monster Cable's exploits for the past few years, I think I can take the liberty of calling their latest bit of antics "entertaining."
Monster Cable, you're taking on children's "street fashion"? Really? You guys are really going THERE!?!? Do you think that you might be losing potential brand loyalty to a bunch of 5 year olds wearing over-the-top dinosaur styled t-shirts?? Does the Monster Cable company really think that the parents of these "Ed Hardy" style Stegosaurus-clad toddlers care what kind of interconnects they have in their home theaters??
If a Mother is buying her child boutique class "street couture," does Monster Cable really think that she shops around between Best Buy and Circuit City, deciding which brand of HDMI cable she should get for her recent AVR and Blu-Ray purchase??? Lets be real here Monster. You guys are not losing market share or brand identity to a bunch of whining 5 year olds who have to go shopping with their mothers (cuz that's who buys children's clothing, at least I know it was when I was a kid).
I've got an idea. Hey Monster Cable, how about you come out with a better packaging system (so it doesn't take a chainsaw to open up your stuff), and a much more straight forward cable ranking system. Who the hell knows (other than us audioholics) what the difference is between your 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 grade cables, other than the fact that Circuit city caries the Odd numbers, and Best buy carries the Even ones!!!!