This is probably more suited to the Steam Vent but...
What ever happened to the Bono who's God was not short on cash mister?
Bono Blames ISPs For Music Industry Decline
08:43AM Wednesday Jul 02 2008 by Karl
As I've noted, U2 manager Paul McGuinness thinks that ISPs and Silicon Valley "hippy values" are responsible for the decline of the music industry. Most recently, McGuinness called broadband ISPs "shoplifters" and accused them of "turning their heads" away from the music industry's troubles. Techdirt notes that U2 lead singer Bono agrees to some extent, stating "it is disturbing to see internet service providers and technology companies profit from the so-called 'disintermediation' of the music business when so many music lovers are losing their jobs." Of course the music industry's real desire is to see ISPs start implementing piracy filters.
U2 Manager: Crazy ISP Hippies Should Pay Us
Blaming other industries for your own financial shortcomings
09:02AM Tuesday Jan 29 2008 by Karl
U2's long time manager Paul McGuinness apparently blames Silicon Valley's "hippie values" for the collapse of the music industry, and wants ISPs and all technology companies to start paying the music industry. McGuinnes argues that ISPs and companies like Google have "built multibillion dollar industries on the back of our content without paying for it." Says McGuinness to the Financial Times:
"I suggest we shift the focus of moral pressure away from the individual P2P file thief and on to the multibillion dollar industries that benefit from these countless tiny crimes. The ISPs [internet service providers] the telcos [telecoms companies], the device-makers."
Piracy drove broadband adoption for years. Lately we've seen ISPs and their employees complain that the content providers should pay them a little extra for building their business models on the back of their networks. Now the music industry wants ISPs to subsidize their floundering business model.
Mike Masnick over at Techdirt explores the long history of such circles of blame, noting that the oil industry doesn't have to pay the automobile industry, and computer makers don't have to pay software and Internet companies.
"You see, these are all separate industries. They may be complementary, but it's up to each one individually to figure out the business models that work. None should be pressured into saving the other from its own missteps."