Hey guys-
Was rattling around inside my local Big Box store today for no particular reason other than it was there, and I stumbled across an intriguing offer.
DISPLAY model Pioneer Elite 950 HD (42”) for $1500. They have no more in stock and tell me it’s been on the wall since Feb/Mar of this year, which I believe since it’s a new store. Salesman said the panel is just ‘breaking-in’ as Plasmas need time to settle their pixel color. It’s 720p, but he stated at 42” and smaller, that’s virtually a non-issue. Truths? Comes with a full warranty but I forgot to ask what that is.
Currently I own a coupla’ Sony Wegas, the largest of which is 27” (my Tech is ‘low’…), so a 42” panel will physically impress. Technically, are the Elites really class leaders? This display was in a separate room from the other 42s so it was impossible to A/B compare. I was also told Pioneer is the last (if not the only) manufacturer to truly manufacture a panel with a degree of precision vs. others who punch glass out of much larger panels.
On top of this, I found a thread here explaining Pioneer is exiting Stage Left on the Plasma World Stage, thus making this year’s crop the ‘keepers’ I imagine. Or not? If I wait another few years, will the latest mass-produced technology beat out today’s best? Does this industry really improve exponentially year after year?
I’m the type ta do a lotta’ research before I buy something of high-value but I’ve been caught flat-footed on a bar of soap here. Is there value in this deal or should I wait?