maybe not at Goodwill...
Some tall tales from an old teacher of mine. Straight from Romania w/ a $200 violin and found his way to be concert master of local symphony, playing on tv sitcoms, A-list for Hollywood soundtracks, etc.
I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve, but I kinda like calling em tall tales for now. He totally knew violins. I remember trying some out in a search for one, and he would just grab one out of my hands and start flexing the top showing me its thinness. He already knew the construction by the sound. Anyways, these stories are pretty old.
Tall Tale #1: While walking around w/ family in Romania, he saw a Gypsy playing violin for change. He immediately knew it was a rare Italian instrument. He asked the Gypsy how much. Gave him $50 or so. Both parties thought they got the better end of the deal. Govt found out. National patrimony means all worthy possessions go to govt. He had the labels inside the violins professionally swapped to fake out the officials. They came to his home, the leader said "that one!" and didn't even look at the labels. He knew. Horia was friggin bummed.
Tall Tale #2: A group of elite Romanian musicians were touring Europe. To make sure they did not flee and defect, the govt kept all of their instruments in an armored car when on tour. They got only 2 hours to practice, and after that they come looking for you. The armored truck had violins, cellos, etc made by Strad, Vuillaume, you name it. The truck got hijacked and stolen. Needless to say, a lot of great musicians defected immediately.
Tall Tale #3: After living in LA for a while, teacher found out that a former Nazi was trying to sell a Strad. No case for the violin, he would just throw it in the back of his car trunk (really really really stupid). Teacher hires a thug to break into the car and steal it. Thug comes back and says the trunk is wired with bombs. Teacher says forget it, not going to mess with a psycho.