From Toole Audio Science Paper:
"The Harman International loudspeaker companies – JBL, Infinity, Harman/Kardon and Revel – have invested heavily in measurement facilities that allow them to take the fullest advantage of existing audio science."
I would think that their speakers would all sound outstanding, but that's not the case.
I have never listened them, but I would also think that the Revel speakers would sound superb, but some people said they don't even like them.
I'm not surprised people don't like the Revel's. Here we go again with a design getting flat frequency response, that has to sound awful, because just the wrong set of compromises were made.
This is from the flagship Revel pdf.
Impedance 6.0 Ω (nominal)
3.7 Ω (minimum)
Indicates whether the loudspeaker presents a “difficult” or “easy” load on the
associated power amplifier. Combined with moderate phase angles, a
minimal impedance specification of 3.7 Ω allows a reasonably designed
power amplifier to drive Revel loudspeakers.
Filter Network Four-way, high-order acoustic response @
150 Hz, 575 Hz and 2.3 kHz
Indicates the acoustical characteristics of the filter network. Steep filters
indicate an optimized filter network that produces minimal acoustical
interference, low distortion, and expansive dynamic range.
Now a fourth order passive crossover at 150 Hz, is just something, that if you know what you are doing, you don't even consider for a successful loudspeaker. For one thing the caps have such huge values, they will have to be poor sounding non polarizing electrolytic types. The inductors to avoid them being gigantic will be made of far too small a gauge of wire, wound on iron cores.
But to top it off the phase angle of the crossover is 360 degrees, so at 150 Hz the mid is arriving 6.7 msec ahead of the woofers! At 575 Hz the tweeter is 1.7 msec ahead of the mid. At 2.3 KHz the tweeter is 0.43 msec ahead of the mid.
The point being, is that this speaker if you measured its transient response would be awful. I can assure time smear of this magnitude, makes for a speaker you would never want to own!
If I were shopping for speakers, those would not even make the audition list.
Speakers like these make my point. We need to ditch receivers. If these speakers were powered with digital crossovers the situation would be entirely different. We have to move away from this outdated receiver concept.