Ah that makes sense. What perplexed me about the Dali's is they sounded so incredibly open and airy but were a bit too hot at top as you could see in my formal review and measurements:
Despite that, all of the people at our face off, except me, preferred the Dali's over all of the other speakers. Hey at the end of the day its all a matter of taste and preference aside from how they measure. There were some recordings where I really dug these speakers and others that the coloration just drove me nuts. Regardless of my preferences, these are great speakers but just not for everyone as is the case with any speaker system which is why the end user needs to determine how they like them, NOT a reviewer!
Sadly Dali wasn't happy with my "bright" comments which is why they don't even reference my review on their website. Companies are funny, most don't want to hear negative comments in reviews. People are funny, they claim they want negative reviews but when you're too negative, the owners and fan boys get pissed off. We learned this years ago with my review of the Monitor Audio Silver 5i's and the Sunfire Theater Grand III. Heck people even got upset at Tom's aesthetic comments on the Emotiva speakers which reviewed quite favorably.
Maybe we should just post press release style reviews like this and avoid the headaches: