This issue/question has come up in various threads usually as a sidebar. I was hoping to get a definitive answer for my curious mind. Lately I have posed this question to about 8 folks, some being customer support people, others audio enthusiasts. So far, the responses are divided right down the center one way or the other.
Its a receiver based question. And for this question forget about 'Pure Direct', because it may come up here and I know how that works and its not directly relevant to this question.
Here goes. Lets say you have a CD player (that has its own DACs) connected to your receiver via analog connects. You also have a subwoofer in your system with basic sub settings on the receiver, 80Hz xover etc. For the purpose of this question, the analog connects are your only link, no digital s/pdif. Your receiver is set without any surround effects and you are NOT using 'pure direct'. Just your signal selected to analog or in this case since you only have analog connects even with the reciever in AUTO its going to choose analog as your source.
The question is this: The receiver will output sound to your subwoofer. SO, WILL THE RECEIVER REDIGITIZE THE SIGNAL IN ORDER TO GET SOUND TO THE SUBWOOFER - OR - DOES THIS STAY IN THE ANALOG DOMAIN. In other words, even though your player has already done a digital-to-analog conversion will the receiver have to do an analog-back-to-digital conversion in order to parse out the low frequencies to get subwoofer sound, or can it derive the necessary low freq material from the analog signal without 'perverting' your original analog signal.
Again, I have asked this many times and it seems to come up 50-50, so I still don't know. My guess is that it does have to redigitze. Even though that is unfortunate - because you are not even really using those hi-priced player DACs (if you have an expensive player that is - and might have well just sent it digitally in the first place, say through coax or toslink). I think a lot of folks may also have spent large money on analog connects and they don't really get used.
Thanks. Really interested to hear what folks here have to say.
NOTE: Depending on the true answer to this, it could bring up a similar more general question. UNLESS you are in 'PURE DIRECT' the receiver will ALLWAYS do an analog-to-digital conversion with an analog signal. Y/N ?
NOTE: this applies to any 2 channel source, but I figured CD would be the most common situation.