
Audioholic Intern
Hmm interesting. Although you have to admit there are some conflicts of interest when you sell and review a product. No?


Audioholic Ninja
Hmm interesting. Although you have to admit there are some conflicts of interest when you sell and review a product. No?
Of course, but I found their reviews objective. It isn't like others don't do this. MLS at av123 reviews his own products all the time.


Audioholics Master Chief
thanks for pointing that out.

He is likely pissed at us for 1 of 4 reasons:
1. Canadians are almost always exluded from our contest (not our choice)
2. He was banned from our forums for violating our rules
3. He's a dealer from a company whom the Audioholics E-store also carries the same products for.
4. He dislikes us b/c we gave a negative review of a product he owns

Oh well, you can't please everyone. and its cool he has an opinion on us whether misplaced or not, though anyone spending more than 15 minutes on our site and examining our content knows better. :rolleyes:

Hmm interesting. Although you have to admit there are some conflicts of interest when you sell and review a product. No?
Sure just as much of a conflict when a magazine takes full page ads of a company the page after the product that was reviewed for that company, no? Personally I'd rather have the advertising as that is usually more lucrative than the small profits earned from a particular product sale, especially in this economy. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
So how do other review sites make a living?

Advertisement from all those rich companies?

Most of us can tell whether a review is seriously flawed/biased.

For one thing, how many other sites offer extremely detailed lab measurements of components like Audioholics?

For example, the AH's review of the Denon POA & AVP and Yamaha Z11 are so extremely detailed and thorough. You won't read excellent reviews like those anywhere else - not even Home Theater Magazine or Sound and Vision Magazine.

And you won't see reviews on $5,000 Kimber Kambles and $2,000 Electrical Cords here either.


Audioholic Jedi
Personally I'd rather have the advertising as that is usually more lucrative than the small profits earned from a particular product sale, especially in this economy. :rolleyes:
I subscribe to both Home Theater Magazine and Sound & Vision Magazine.

I think a lot of members here also subscribe to both magazines.

I bet if Audioholics came out with an Audioholics Magzine, a lot of us, including myself, would subscribe to it!!!



Audioholic Samurai
Notice how cschang "ascend defender" also dislikes audioholics as well. He is one of the main reasons I stopped posting at AVS and his BS. Could it be that audioholics is one of the few sites that doesn't promote ascend heavily? The last straw with him was when he was trying to pit up the Sierra against the Revel M22 and all he kept on saying was that Soundstage measures speakers in a way that hurts the Sierra but helps the Revel. I mean who seriously believes that he doesn't get paid by ascend to run their forum and promote their speakers?


Audioholic Samurai
I'd say this dude is harmless - for some reason there will always be certain people out there who pick up some kind of fight for no reason or have an inexplicable ax to grind, even if it is meritless. The one thing I noticed is how pretty much everyone who responded to the OP defended AH in some way. He's a gnat, nothing more - a source of amusement. :D


I guess I don't automatically assume that everyone is a unscrupulous rag. II don't assume that there's automatically this wink wink nudge nudge thing going on. Also, I think the more detailed the review, the easier it is to read between the lines. That's one reason why I like Audioholics reviews so much because they're typically full of detail and state just factual information. I take the subjective stuff as it is meant... subjectively.

btw Gene, if you put out a magazine... I'd buy a lifetime subscription. I'd like my vote noted.


Audioholics Master Chief
btw Gene, if you put out a magazine... I'd buy a lifetime subscription. I'd like my vote noted.
I thought about that long ago but there is so much overhead in Magazines and you basically have to water down the content to stuff more ads to pay for it. We will be offering Audioholics memberships soon which will result in a variety of benefits to our readers, including printable and downloadable versions of our reviews. We would definately appreciate those that support this endeavor once its launched.


Audioholic General
The problem with all the magazines here is that none of them do a very good job of keeping objective reviews and meaningful discussion because of the fear that they might piss off their paying advertisers. Lame.

I missed the Revel vs Sierra debate, that's too bad. I love my Sierras though!


I thought about that long ago but there is so much overhead in Magazines and you basically have to water down the content to stuff more ads to pay for it. We will be offering Audioholics memberships soon which will result in a variety of benefits to our readers, including printable and downloadable versions of our reviews. We would definately appreciate those that support this endeavor once its launched.
That works for me. Considering all the great advice I've gotten here, kicking a little back is the least I could do.

Give us details as soon as you can. I'm in.


Seriously, I have no life.
And you won't see reviews on $5,000 Kimber Kambles and $2,000 Electrical Cords here either.

Maybe they should::D
We compared this $4k power cord against stock cable, or that Home depot 14ga power cable. Measured about the same, perhaps a bit more/less resistance, but that sound difference just was not there. We recommend you stick with the stock power cable :D
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
well, aside from a few that agreed with him. looks like most shot him down.


Audioholic Overlord
I thought about that long ago but there is so much overhead in Magazines and you basically have to water down the content to stuff more ads to pay for it. We will be offering Audioholics memberships soon which will result in a variety of benefits to our readers, including printable and downloadable versions of our reviews. We would definately appreciate those that support this endeavor once its launched.
Nice Gene this is great news. You can count me in for sure. This is a great website-one that has allowed me to both learn and grow in this great hobby. It won't be soon enough if you ask me. Kudos to you for such a great idea.




Senior Audioholic
What a ridiculous posting. At least a majority see through to the truth.


Audioholics Master Chief
I guess some people still have a hard time understanding that the Audioholics E-store is essentially another advertiser of ours just like an Oppo, Emotiva, Axiom, etc though our E-store is a pretty lousy advertiser so far since the overhead is eating into the thin profits its seeing partly due to a sluggish economy.

This store was born out of request from our readers and convenience for people looking for a central place to satisfy all of their A/V needs. We even addressed this in an editorial prior to launching the store:


Most of the negative responses we received about the estore has come from: competing magazines, manufacturers not selling products through this store, and dealers that feel threatened b/c the store carries similar products.

Of course it seems about once/year someone at AVS has a crusade against us for whatever reason though sometimes its the same person under a new identity. Never do they post under their real name or use an email address from an account other than Yahoo or Hotmail.

Oh well, people are entitled to their own opinions (as long as they aren't trolling here) and I'd rather focus my efforts and the efforts of my staff on our content which I hope speaks for itself.

Regarding Buy it Now Links
It's our intent to integrate those into EVERY product we review regardless if the company advertisers or sells their products on the store. This is a value add to manufacturers even if it only points to their product page. Some of the MUCH larger websites take it to the extreme by placing Pricegrabber and Oveture tabulated comparisons to non authorized dealers b/c it pays big. I personally find it makes the pages too cluttered and some of the Audio companies (IE. Harman) won't even send products for review if they see you are listing non authorized dealers on editorial pages that cover their products.

I always hate it when you goto a site from a google search to check out a product review and instead you find a press release pic of the product, with a short spec table and tons of price comparisons.

Here are a couple of examples:


and I actually really like CNET but it irks me when anyone does this.

You will NEVER see that here so long as I run this ship.


Senior Audioholic
Every business that does reviews and sells ad's is a conflict of interest but it cant be avoided if profit and success is the goal. Any one who attacks others should also be prepared to be attacked and its normal, as is particular caution to any review by this or any other site or magazine as the truth lies somewhere between any suspicion and mission statement, both of which are no doubt in part correct and false. Certain envoy, rejection, commercial motives and negative press aswell as countless other motives fuel the atracks and to a point its a sign of success, nobody wastes time on a little guy.
I think most are here to interact with members and subjects offered and have many time little or no interest in reviews instead trusting the consumer who besides pride in ownership and justification or purchase has little other motives to worry about. A review can often serve to point out features and specs which are useful but some may find little else valid understanding the game of politics and commercial survival. These hobbies naturally attrack a more intellectual person and by nature governs itself by its own enthusiasts.

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