An Infinity Kappa Perfect 12VQ driver for $170 + 500W BASH amp at Parts Express for $228 plus about $100 left for shipping and building material, plus a properly engineered cabinet as I can provide guidelines to build, and you can easily exceed the PB10 performance. The Kappa Perfect VQ is an example of a nearly textbook linear driver(I highly doubt that the SVS unit mentioned has a driver anywhere near the quality). The cabinet is a big factor as well - and the PB10 certainly has nothing special in regards to a cabinet - in fact it has a poor design for a ported system; the port causes substantial power compression in the lowest octave on the PB10. For the 12Vq, a slot port with at least 35 square inch cross section area should be used. This will prevent compression and allow the speaker to operate linearly across the entire band. A single properly engineered 12VQ ported cabinet system with appropriate power will easily provide in excess of 110dB, 20Hz on up, with no audible distortion, in an average sized room, when properly set up/placed.
User avaserfi here has built one to my specifications, and can verify this performance claim with his own measurements. See here for his step by step building process:
You don't have to do the intricate bracing and rounded inner paths for the slot port he used; he wanted to follow my recommendations to a T, though, and did the extra work to get the subwoofer to be able to operate to higher frequencies than would normally be possible, using the extra bracing.
Make no mistake, a subwoofer as built exactly to specification will compare well with any high end subwoofer on the commercial market. If you want even more performance, I can outline specific designs using a TC Sounds/Audiopulse or JL Audio W7 driver, that can give you what is best referred to as 'insane' performance.