Just wanted to mention a couple things. I started a thread on the PZ800U recently. This TV is still very new and I haven't gotten a chance to see it, but the main reason this set is priced higher then the pz85u is b/c it is a higher end product. A lot of the cost that went in to this set was for the THX certification. This is expensive to have done so the cost is past onto the consumer. The reason I've been interested in it though (THX certified or not) is b/c it outperformed the 85u during testing. It's suppose to have black levels that rival the Kuro, although still not quite as good, but very very close, according to the review, and as far as color accuracy and uniformity, etc, it actually outperformed the Kuro in these areas , so I have been very interested to see this set in person. I believe it probably is worth the extra money, and may be a more affordable option then getting a Kuro. Of course I'd like to see this set for myself in person before recommending it, but it scored right up there with the kuro in performance. Anyway, just my thoughts.