Explain this scenario to help me understand it a bit better. Lets say you have a CD player (with DACs) connected via analog L/R outs and one s/pdif connection. What exactly is going through the wire or being output under each of those conditions.
I told you this is going to get hairy, but I'm game.
I'm not sure I can fully explain, but I'll try.
- If connected via analog outputs, the player is going to decode the digital data to analog. In the case of playing multi-channel DD/DTS but using 2 channel analog interconnects, it is going to downmix it to 2 channel analog. Now you have two channels of analog data. If you were using 5.1 analog outs, you have 5.1 separate analog channels - one for each channel, with no downmixing.
Analog is
analogous to the real world. In other words, the signal is going to vary in voltage and amplitude according to the real waveform. If you were playing a 60 Hz sine wave, the signal will start at zero, rise to pi/2, cross zero again, then fall to 3pi/2, then rise to zero again, and repeat...60 times per second. Music of course is far more complex and is the sum of a potentially infinite number of sine waves and the voltage and amplitude will vary.
See, here is where I lose it again. What do you mean waveform or digital data, I thought a wire could not transmit ones and zeros..
This is super hard to explain. Ones and Zeros are a
logical concept. A sequence of ones and zeros 'encode' (for lack of a better term) some content. Say I want to send the letter 'A' and the encoding is ascii. The ascii value of 'A' is 65 (decimal). The binary value (using 8 bits) is 01000001.
Now you can send that binary data using any number of modulation schees. S/PDIF uses bi-phase mark, which is too complicated to explain. Suffice it to say that the receving end recognizes the format and can distinguish a logical one from a logical zero.
Let's say that it was a simpler format like PWM and that .5 seconds is a zero and 1 second is a one. It would send 1 volt at .5 seconds in duration (0), followed by 1 volt at 1 second (1), followed by one volt at .5 second (0), etc. The receiving end knows it is dealing with 8 bits at a time and so will accumulate all that into 01000001 and recognize that as 65, aka 'A'.
If it were analog, it wouldn't be one volt at one second, it would vary according to the actual signal.
Does that make sense? It's kind of hard to explain.