
Hi Everyone

Well, the intro to this forum says that us noobies should not be embarrassed posting stupid questions so-o-o-o ..
Here I come!

First, as a warning, I am an Old person who hasn't a Clue
when it comes to what I am going to ask you about.

My wife, (God bless her soul) has decided that she wants to go 'high tech'?
By high tech, I mean she went All Out this past week in buying .. ALL OF THIS STUFF!

I have No idea exactly What or How I am supposed to hook this stuff up and most especially How to connect it all together to make it work.
What is worse, I have been elected to find the final piece of the puzzle to this mess. (speakers)

Here is the Stuff that the little lady purchased: a vizio 47" VO47L Lcd.

A Blu-Ray BDP-S300 disc player.

And to top it all off .. a yamaha RX-V363 receiver.

I have been appointed to find speakers for this .. soon to be surround sound theatre!

Oh yea, we also have a Comcast 3250 cable box.

I am Supposed to hook all of this stuff up and make it work!

God Bless my little lady but .. She .. 'or I' will probably be Long past dead before I will Ever begin to figure out Exactly what I am supposed to do with all of this!!

For starts, I went searching for speakers for this receiver, (that is what the manual says it is).

Don't tell Brenda, (my wife) But I want Cheap!
She on the other hand wants Theatre Sound! (oy va)

(Just found out that I can't post a url here yet so I will give the name? of the speaker system)

Yamaha NS-SP6500Bl 5.1
It's from Radio Shack and the cost is around $130.00.

(Remember: I want Cheap, She wants good!)

If after I receive any answers from you fine young folks about the speakers .. I Promise, I will be back about those problems in hooking all of this stuff together and .. Hopefully making it work.

Thank You for your time,

BTW, The lady can't fool me .. This STUFF is to impress our Grandkids!


Audioholic Overlord
Welcome to the forum. first off, many newcomers have so many questions they don't know where to start, and many of then have been asked over and over again.

Towards that end, the best answer I can give now is to spend a little time at the "AV University", which can be accessed via the blue bar about 1/4 the way down on the Audioholics home page.


This covers a variety of subjects, including many articles on speakers, in varying depth and should help clarify many things, or at least give you a good starting point.

But, offhand, those speakers you describe won't satisfy her ...or virtually anyone here. You're gonna have to up the budget a bit. With speakers, you generally get what you pay for, particularly in the lower eschelons. But, for $130, it's better than those $60 GPX or electrohome systems you see at WalMart.


Audioholic Warlord
Yamaha NS-SP6500Bl 5.1
It's from Radio Shack and the cost is around $130.00.

(Remember: I want Cheap, She wants good!)
Well the grandkids are in for a disappointment. Welcome Old Timer. There are lots of Old Timers here on the forum. This is a hobby that can be enjoyed buy everyone young and old. Glad your here, and welcome to Audioholics. :D
I'd try REALLY hard to get your budget higher. You want something that sounds a little better than $130 will give - and a decent subwoofer alone (something that will start to REALLY impress) will run you $250 or more.


Thank You All

I've got to say that I am Really disappointed that those $130.00 speakers wont work, or I should say .. work very well.

Can someone explain to me what the difference is .. as far as my ears are concerned when you compare a $25.00 speaker to a $1,000.00 speaker?

I've heard the fancy high dollar speakers and I've also been living with a cheap set of RCA plastic, wall mounted speakers.
I just don't see the justification of the price difference?

Is it bragging rights from the youngins?

What I mean to say is: A speaker is a speaker and unless those high dollar speaker folks are using gold for innards .. I just don't understand?
Then again, Maybe I am asking the wrong people what their opinion is.

Heck I've been to those uppity 'wine tasting' events where Everyone claims that the Best tasting wine that they have ever encountered was a hundred year old dom perignon.

When I myself finally had a chance to sample this same dom perignon .. I've got to tell you .. I prefer my old gallo.

Is it Really all in the head?
Is it Really about how many dollars you spend?

Think about it.

Many experts hate Bose but, millions of folks swear by them.
Bose, from what I have read use paper cones?

I myself have been awed by the sound of those Bose speakers in the stores but, I knew that I could never afford them. (after all, I have to eat)

It just seems that most folks, especially the folks who seem to represent the connisours of sound, would Never endorse something like a cheap speaker made by RCA.

Everyone wants to endorse and claim to own some outrageously priced, hard to pronounce brand?

I am sorry if this post has upset some of you kind folks.
My wife and I are just a couple of old people who don't understand $1,000.00 audio systems.

All that we ask for is a decent sound at a price that we can handle.
It is becoming all too much.

I have all of this Stuff and I can't even begin to understand how I will ever hook it all up!
The very worst part is: everywhere I go for help in finding speakers, I find the same answers: Spend Big dollars for what you want!

I don't have that kind of money and I just don't really know what to do.

I never knew that buying speakers was this hard.

Well, I've gone on long enough now.

I just wanted to say "Thank You" to the kind people who answered my questions on this forum.
You are appreciated more than I could ever express in words.



Audioholic Jedi
The key to speakers is to find ones that you (and your wife) like, not what we or anyone else like. We'll make recommendations based on our experiences and opinions, but we know that the true decision is yours. We often recommend to audition speakers if you can to find out if you can tell a difference, and if the difference is worth the extra cost to you. Some people are very happy with speakers that are <$100, and some people probably aren't happy with speakers that are <$5000. It's really personal preference.

My parents can tell the difference between watching a movie while listening through their TV speakers and watching a movie on my system. My system cost a few thousand dollars, and it's modest (well, shamed really) compared to some of the systems that people here have, and fancy compared to some others. The point? My parents don't have any desire to get anything better than what they have. They are happy with it, and the difference between theirs and mine isn't even remotely worth the money to them.

So, if you can try out the $130 system and return it if you don't like it, then I say give it a go. It won't rock your house, but it might be just what you want, and part of being happy is feeling like you didn't overpay for something.

Best of luck with your selection and your hunt. I'd appreciate it if you'd update us with your impressions when you get something.


Audioholic Overlord
Well now, there's no need to be calling names.

I've got to say that I am Really disappointed that those $130.00 speakers wont work, or I should say .. work very well.

Can someone explain to me what the difference is .. as far as my ears are concerned when you compare a $25.00 speaker to a $1,000.00 speaker?

I've heard the fancy high dollar speakers and I've also been living with a cheap set of RCA plastic, wall mounted speakers.
I just don't see the justification of the price difference?

Is it bragging rights from the youngins?

What I mean to say is: A speaker is a speaker and unless those high dollar speaker folks are using gold for innards .. I just don't understand?
Then again, Maybe I am asking the wrong people what their opinion is.

Heck I've been to those uppity 'wine tasting' events where Everyone claims that the Best tasting wine that they have ever encountered was a hundred year old dom perignon.

When I myself finally had a chance to sample this same dom perignon .. I've got to tell you .. I prefer my old gallo.

Is it Really all in the head??
Maybe, maybe not, To some people there's no difference between a basic McDonalds burger and a 1/2 lb burger made from a good piece of sirloin. If that's what you want, then enjoy the $130 speakers.

but, remember, you asked for opinions and you got them, and not in a condesending manner I might add. To turn around and start insinuating we're snobs is a bit uncalled for.

s it Really about how many dollars you spend?

Think about it.
I thought about it. What's the price difference between the two aforementioned burgers?

I guess it all depends on what you are willing to spend to get what you want. Since it seems that your maximum expenditure allowance is $130, you should have said so. for that, I doubt you could have done better. However, you DID ask outr opinions and I don'tthink anyone said you should go out and drop a grand on speakers, just up the budget to a mre "realistic" level to match the equipment you say your wife already bought.

Many experts hate Bose but, millions of folks swear by them.
Bose, from what I have read use paper cones?

I myself have been awed by the sound of those Bose speakers in the stores but, I knew that I could never afford them. (after all, I have to eat)

It just seems that most folks, especially the folks who seem to represent the connisours of sound, would Never endorse something like a cheap speaker made by RCA.
Who ever said that we're "connisours of sound" that try to force expensive stuff on simpletons simply for the purpose of spending their money?

(Bose? Paper cones? Why do I detect a faint whiff of troll?)

Everyone wants to endorse and claim to own some outrageously priced, hard to pronounce brand?

I am sorry if this post has upset some of you kind folks.
My wife and I are just a couple of old people who don't understand $1,000.00 audio systems.
Well, from your first post I'd say your wife does.

(There it is again, only stronger!)

All that we ask for is a decent sound at a price that we can handle.
It is becoming all too much.
Perhaps if you had come wp with a realistic figure to work with in your second post instead of calling names, some specific suggestions would have been made.

(snifff sniff. do you smell it, too?)

I have all of this Stuff and I can't even begin to understand how I will ever hook it all up!
Take that up with your wife. she already bought it. Maybe your grandkids, if you really have any?

The very worst part is: everywhere I go for help in finding speakers, I find the same answers: Spend Big dollars for what you want!

I don't have that kind of money and I just don't really know what to do.

I never knew that buying speakers was this hard.[./quote]Funny, your wife sure seemed to have the money. Sometimes, ya gotta pay for what you really want. Ya can't buy a Mercedes on a skateboard budget.

(Phew... it's almost overpowering now!)

Well, I've gone on long enough now.
Yes, you have.

(Is the smell getting weaker?)

I just wanted to say "Thank You" to the kind people who answered my questions on this forum.
You are appreciated more than I could ever express in words.

You're welcome. Nice troll. Thanks for the opportunity to employ my sarcastic writihg skills.
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Audioholic General
Give a budget for what you're willing to spend to save time with recommendations.

If you liked the Bose but think they're too expensive, I'm happy to tell you that you can match (and improve!) that sound for considerably less $.

But...what's your real budget (ask your wife, it's her project!).

Added by edit: Also, how big is your room?
Added by edit2: You'll also notice no one has actually given you any recommendations, so your previous message complaining about snooty expensive speakers seems puzzling and premature.
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Full Audioholic
What I mean to say is: A speaker is a speaker and unless those high dollar speaker folks are using gold for innards .. I just don't understand?.
I think you already have made up your mind on what you actually want...But in my opinion there is a world of difference between cheap speakers and higher priced ones.

1. Build quality, meticulously hand made and inspected vs. machined factory mass produced looked over for 2 sec then passed out the door

2. Real wood, furniture grade finish vs. cheap plastic

3. Premium parts- crossover networks, internal dampaning, binding posts, ect. vs. cheap flimsy plastic, springs, and whatever else is put into a cheap speaker.

Then again, Maybe I am asking the wrong people what their opinion is.
I seriously doubt that:D

I think you and the wife would be at a better median if you took that stuff back and just got a All in one system, Its cheaper, easier to set up and will still give that home theater sound that your wife wants without having to spend alot of money.

Not all of us have the same tastes, some prefer filet mignon, while others prefer serloin or ribeye or even rump roast. Its no different with speakers.

Good luck:)

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