Being somewhat suspicious of the nature and accuracy of many news articles, the first thing that raises a flag for me is that the people who run the soup kitchen aren't clearly quoted as preaching/promoting racial/religious hatred. Most of that is 'clarified' by the author of the article. That said, it sounds really bad. Basically like something meant to be a good thing got twisted way out of control.
Here's the difference, if pork soup is being served because it's cheap and it's a traditional national favorite, then those who don't eat pork should either start eating pork quietly and thankfully, find a non-pork serving soup kitchen, or shut up and starve. If pork soup is being served because the servers specifically want to exclude/harm an ethnic/religious group, then those who are serving it should burn in whatever hell their religion offers.
Having never been to France and having no personal experience with their customs and national attitudes, it's hard for me to really make an informed opinion about how bad the situation really is vs how much the media is trying to sell newspapers.
(I really would like to believe it's more of the media blowing things out of proportion, but human nature can be cruel)