So Obama shows he is nothing new......



Senior Audioholic
Besides having a ability to read a Teleprompter we are seeing there is less and less to this Canidate, his staff's talking points are tired and false snippets of quotes...(the 100 year war)........ small minded in-imaginative talking points (the third Bush term) and now out and out lies (Public Finance).
It is a long shot hope but one I hold onto that the public will start to see him as the salesman he is and not the savior and become increasingly troubled by not only his extreme liberal record that is also so short it makes you wonder how messed up this country is to even entertain electing a man of this lack of stature to the office of President of our country.
John McCain has a prooven history of working with the left, has served with honor and has experience the Obama cant match, not long after McCain was back in the US after a 5 year POW stay in conditions one couldnt imagine Obama jumped off a bus, changed his name from Barry and asked where is the most influential church in the area was and has pandered ever since. One has to wonder during his 20yr stint at that church just how much of its message has manipulated his brain and how that message of hate may manifest itself in legislation in the future.
I can only hope along with many others that on Election nite the we see Obama "fist bump" McCain in a congratulatory gesture as McCain climbs the steps to the Microphone for his victory speech and I wouldnt doubt Obama may win popular vote and lose the Electoral College as happened between Bush/Gore in 2000........thank god the Electoral College is smarter than the public, in this Election in particular it may be the only thing that saves this country from its uneducated youth, an entire segment of the population voting solely on the basis of shared skin color, mis-guided residents of Hollywood and scores of College educated zombies that were not smart enough to see they were handed a degree and an Inductrination in a Liberal black hole.
The ride to November is going to be interesting.


Well I do not share your views at all. McCain is way too old and has been the poster boy for POW's for too long. I also think that this country needs a change of politicians. Obama is the only one who speaks with REAL passion. McCain has rehashed every republican speech for president in his own words and still sounds like a robot. Obama is our only chance to get our country going in the right direction IMO. McCain will just be another Bush.I just want to see some change in our government and Obama is the best chance for change for our future.Every other country in the world hates us for Bush's lies and cheating his own people out of gas money. In my opinion Cheany is more to blame than Bush because all of his buddies are now making ungodly amounts of money. Almost every major contract in Iraq went to Haliburton and most of the oil magnets in this country are in Cheanys back pocket. It wouldn't suprise me if a week before Bush is supposed to leave office he declares war on Iran and keeps himself in office under the new rules he has had passed..I am not impressed with the Republican way of thinking or its over the hill martyr pow wannabe leader..:mad:


Audioholic Overlord
Chad, I respect your opinion but like Jamie I also disagree. Obama is getting my vote. I also look to see Hilary become the VP of the US. McCain sounds like a George Bush puppet if you ask me. However, this is MY opinion and mine alone. Not trying to profess, but I will damn sure NOT vote for McCain. I do, however, respect his service to this great country. Perhaps, it is time for him to hang the boots up so to speak. No pun intended Chad. Not trying to start a flame-war either. Just merely stating my opinion.




Audioholic Overlord
Well I do not share your views at all. McCain is way too old and has been the poster boy for POW's for too long. I also think that this country needs a change of politicians. Obama is the only one who speaks with REAL passion. McCain has rehashed every republican speech for president in his own words and still sounds like a robot. Obama is our only chance to get our country going in the right direction IMO. McCain will just be another Bush.I just want to see some change in our government and Obama is the best chance for change for our future.Every other country in the world hates us for Bush's lies and cheating his own people out of gas money. In my opinion Cheany is more to blame than Bush because all of his buddies are now making ungodly amounts of money. Almost every major contract in Iraq went to Haliburton and most of the oil magnets in this country are in Cheanys back pocket. It wouldn't suprise me if a week before Bush is supposed to leave office he declares war on Iran and keeps himself in office under the new rules he has had passed..I am not impressed with the Republican way of thinking or its over the hill martyr pow wannabe leader..:mad:
Very well spoken Jamie as I could NOT agree more. We surely share many of the same views. Thank you so much for speaking up. Kudos to you my friend.




Audioholic Samurai
What we need is to completely wipe the slate clean and start a new. Of course, it'll never happen without a mass uprising (a.k.a. - revolution). The two party system is broken and doesn't accurately reflect the views of modern society.

Is there anyone that agrees with 75% of what each party "stands" for? Probably not. So many career politicians who flip-flop every year on every issue. It's all about how they can make money and stay in power. I really doubt that very many have their constituents best interest in mind.

The current system is all about voting for the lesser of two evils.



Audioholic Jedi
Chad, I respect your opinion but like Jamie I also disagree. Obama is getting my vote. I also look to see Hilary become the VP of the US. McCain sounds like a George Bush puppet if you ask me. However, this is MY opinion and mine alone. Not trying to profess, but I will damn sure NOT vote for McCain. I do, however, respect his service to this great country. Perhaps, it is time for him to hang the boots up so to speak. No pun intended Chad. Not trying to start a flame-war either. Just merely stating my opinion.


Phil, not saying that I agree or disagree with what you said, but I sure respect the way that you said it!


Audioholic Overlord
Phil, not saying that I agree or disagree with what you said, but I sure respect the way that you said it!
Thanks Adam it is much appreciated. No need to step on someone's toes just to make your point of view known. After all, if we all agreed on everything just think of how bad that would really be. Hence, we all would own the same thing whether it be a car, a house, or even tastes in women. :eek::eek: The sharing of ideas has held fast for many of centuries and there is no sign of it going away. As such, I respect what Chad is saying, but it does not mean I agree with his point of view. We all have our own opinions, perceptions of how things "should" be that often comes into conflict with other people's expectations. Is this a bad thing per se.........not really as long as we as a society strive to work-out these differences.




What we need is to completely wipe the slate clean and start a new. Of course, it'll never happen without a mass uprising (a.k.a. - revolution). The two party system is broken and doesn't accurately reflect the views of modern society.

Is there anyone that agrees with 75% of what each party "stands" for? Probably not. So many career politicians who flip-flop every year on every issue. It's all about how they can make money and stay in power. I really doubt that very many have their constituents best interest in mind.

The current system is all about voting for the lesser of two evils.

I 100% agree with that....I wish more people shared that thought as we need a change badly. :eek:


Senior Audioholic
Well I guess we will see what happens but it scares me that so many smart people have been sucked in by this con the Democrates have positioned to run for the Presidency, he is a puppet, a prett face and a good speech but dig deeper and its a scary proposition. It would be funny to see what would have happened in reverse if Obama took public financing and McCain was in Obama's position to perhaps raise upwards of $300,000,000, there would be a call for McCains head but this year a Black canidate is going to get away with things nobody else could dream of, as for the 527 groups that Democrats love to complain about (you know the ones who "swiftboated" Kerry), all I can say is thank god for them as thats the only way this has any hope of being a balanced election. The left wing 527 groups have already started their attacks so game on, it should be interesting.
While it isnt cool to be a conservative in this point in time..or any for that matter rest assured there is a silent balance of folks who think just like me and they will hopefully refuse to go down without a fight come November 8, and understand no matter how much change we would all like to see sometimes its in not only the wrong direction, but a dangerous one aswell. Couple this to the fact that we could potentially see not only the House, Senate, and President controlling the direction of the country but also the Supreme Court with more than one seats surely up for nomination over the next 4 yrs and it gets a bit harder to swallow.
Talking about and Voting in Elections is a privledge not enough in this world share so its our duty to discuss, inform and opine as much as possible, I respect most who dont agree with me and hate non but this afterall is the Steam Vent so what better place to stir up a conversation, it sure is a heck of alot more important than argueing about audio cables...........right?
Thanks for all who participate as that is the goal.


Audioholic Jedi sure is a heck of alot more important than argueing about audio cables...........right?
Blasphemer!!! Let red chicklets rain down upon you like angry flames from the A/V gods.

[Just kidding! :D]


let me "change" to monster cables cause its time for a change, they talk a good game........:eek: This thread is sure to go no where consrtuctive...:rolleyes: As long as no one changes their local government, it will not matter.. vote local

side note ... i dont care what someone elses vote will be:cool:


Senior Audioholic
Didnt I read somewhere that Obama has a "reference" Monster cable system in his home, I think he is even on the Board of Directors!:)


Audioholic Jedi
Didnt I read somewhere that Obama has a "reference" Monster cable system in his home, I think he is even on the Board of Directors!:)
Hee, hee! Good one! :D

In that case, as long as McCain doesn't buy the new Denon-link cable, he should be a sure bet for the AH vote. ;)


Audioholic Ninja
Either or, they cannot f^&K things up as bad as the last guy did.


Audioholic Overlord
Either or, they cannot f^&K things up as bad as the last guy did.
Applause Applause...........George Bush has to be the worst President we, as a nation, has ever had. Too bad we don't have a Hall of Fame or shall I say Shame of Fame for awful Presidents because George Bush would be right at the top. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Never seen a President that would screw everything up he touches..........kudos to him. Personally, I would rather express my feelings in a better way-one that uses my middle finger if you know what I mean. :mad::mad:



PS Just can't wait till that moron is out of office. Now, I feel much better.
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Applause Applause...........George Bush has to be the worst President we as a nation has ever had. Too bad we don't have a Hall of Fame for awful Presidents because George Bush would be right at the top. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Never seen a President that would screw everything up he touches..........kudos to him. Personally, I would rather express my feelings in a better way-one that uses my middle finger if you know what I mean. :mad::mad:



PS Just can't wait till that moron is out of office. Now, I feel much better.
Oh, there have been far worse presidents. I won't say that he's in the top half, but he's definitely not on the bottom.

Let's see what public oppinion is in another 20 years. The next 4 to 8 years can always be worse.

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