I've played guitar and violin mostly. To a much lesser extent did I play a bit of piano. Even less than the piano did I sing. My high school had a band, but no orchestra, unfortunately. By far classical, tried my hand at jazz (classes, and jazz piano lessons). Also some south Indian vocal for fun (
unbelievably beautiful even from a good amateur). I more recently tried to fulfill a dream in singing a 5 part Josquin sequence, where I roped in 2 choir directors, one of their husbands, my best friend, and me. I swear... singers

... anyways that fell through, and I had my entire part memorized by the first rehearsal. I even volunteered to always drive to the choir directors' place in hopes to keep this going. Grr.
I've played in some southern california youth orchestra or something. (I particularly remember we played Beethoven's 7th, Mussorsky's Night on Bald Mountain, but don't remember much outside of that). College orchestra (but I can't remember how many years I was in it, perhaps three). Bachelors, Masters, and a quasi-degree in Europe. Played in Mexico, Germany, France, and Spain. Of the international, smallest audience was Germany, largest was in France where I was pooping my pants. Performed in 50th anniversary of UN, CT chapter. Entered a couple of competitions. Judged a couple of competitions, one at U of A, Tucson. Performed and explained new works for the composition department of UCLA. Performed on radio, I think KPFK? Well, I think the station is off Cahuenga in LA, don't remember too well. Enough of the braggin. Haven't taught in forever. Haven't played in forever. I run my small business. Expenditures on audio were partly feuled by trying to re-ignite previous musical passions in life. For better or worse, the 2-ch room sucks, and the HT is over the top. Now a veritable AV addict. God have mercy on me.
I believe the resident music teacher here is pzaur. Pat is primarily a saxophonist I believe.