You don't have to be an expert at anything to make common sense purchases. If you go to the store to buy a toaster and there's one sitting on the shelf for $20 and the one on the fancy display next to it is selling for $250 with this long list of features and that supposedly toasts your bagel more evenly, and you just go, "hmmmm... okay... " and grab the $250 toaster... then you're just a dumbass who deserves no pity from me or anyone else if you find that toaster is no better than the $10 broken one you tried to replace. Now, if you like the way it looks, want that brand, or feel you'd like to have that toaster for whatever reason... by all means... you should buy it and no one should say anything about it, nor should anyone claim that I shouldn't even have the chance to buy it. I just bought a new Wustoff knife set that cost me $1800. I have 2 sets of Wustoff Grand Prix's already, but wanted their new Ikon set. If you read the literature, it says the blade is better, the steel has gone through this process, this technology... blah, blah, blah. I'm a serious culinary hobbiest and I can tell you that the new knives work no better than my other Wustoff's. Did I get ripped off? Of course not. I wanted them. Period.
There's nothing wrong with anyone buying a cable from Monster or whoever. It's a good cable that you can get at just about any store. Part of the extra cost is convenience. Is it the smartest decision? Probably not, but stop acting as if all these companies are just preying on the poor consumer who just doesn't have a chance.
There are far too many safety nets for stupidity in our society already. Now we're going to start telling companies they can't sell an expensive cable to someone who wants it?