In-game XMB coming for PS3 with fw 2.40



Audioholic Ninja
In-game xmb should have been implemented on the PS3 since the launch of the console. I can't believe it took so long for this. Firmware 2.40 is also implementing a trophy system which is basically a rip-off Microsofts "achievements" system. The trophy thing is a good idea.


Audioholic Spartan
What the hell is in-game XMB?!?!?

People have been crying about it for months. But on the plus side for me, I guess I can't miss it if I don't even know what it is.


Audioholic Spartan
At least the 360 has had that type of ability since it came out... too bad that Sony just released FW 2.36 instead of 2.40 :(


Audioholic Samurai
What's the big deal though? The PS3 can still do a lot more than the 360 ever will be able to in it's current state. Plus it just keeps getting better with every fw update.


Audioholic Overlord
Not to be a PS3 fanboy, but I believe it will eventually rocket passed the 360 in terms of capability and games. Microsoft will need to release another system to compete with the PS3 in the near future.


Audioholic Ninja
Not to be a PS3 fanboy, but I believe it will eventually rocket passed the 360 in terms of capability and games. Microsoft will need to release another system to compete with the PS3 in the near future.
Consoles life expectancy are around 5-6 years. This generation is no different. In a few years Microsoft will release a console that will destroy the PS3 in hardware specifications and developer friendliness. If Sony thinks they can sit on the PS3 when that system is out they are going to be making a big mistake. It is more likely there will be a ps4 to compete with the xbox 720 or whatever they want to call it when it comes out.


Audioholic Overlord
Consoles life expectancy are around 5-6 years. This generation is no different. In a few years Microsoft will release a console that will destroy the PS3 in hardware specifications and developer friendliness. If Sony thinks they can sit on the PS3 when that system is out they are going to be making a big mistake. It is more likely there will be a ps4 to compete with the xbox 720 or whatever they want to call it when it comes out.
PS2 had a good run. It was released in 2000 and will be discontinued at the end of this year I believe. When they released the PS2 industry standards gave it 5 years or so. By the end of this year they will discontinue the PS2, so that was a solid run. The PS3's potential hasn't really been tapped until now with the release of MGS4. It's logical to assume that the cell processor wasn't used as efficiently as it will be with future games. Figure in a year or two the system will be much easier to make games for and the catalog will get much better.

At this point Microsoft will be rushing to put something out to compete more effectively with the PS3, most likely surpassing it. The issue has always been just that, they rush. Rushed systems are at the butt of every joke and I think you know what I mean. Naturally both Sony and Microsoft are surely already building prototypes to the next generation systems, tinkering if you will. Sony seems to always come out on top with well integrated machines that give out excellent performance no matter what. You must admit that the original XBOX and XBOX 360 fall short in terms of hardware integration and reliability compared to Nintendo and Sonys' systems.

You also have to consider that like every new consule release people are bent out of shape about buying a new system when they feel like their old system is still very cutting edge (especially when the new system costs 3 times what their old system costs at the time).

Sony does need to get more exclusive titles under their belt.

And of course games like Far Cry 2 being released on the PS3 platform can't hurt either.

We are agreed in that Sony will release a competing system to Microsoft in the next generation around the same time period. It's also likely that Sony will not release a system until they have looked far into the future in regards to what they will need or want the system to offer for the present and future.

Edit: I just realized that Far Cry 2 is a multiplatform release. This may not be as relevant as I thought. I guess we will see how each system looks when the game arrives.


Audioholic Ninja
What you noted is the nature of the videogame industry. If you look at its history this is how it unfolds. Microsoft is new to the console industry, they are fairing well considering some of their huge mistakes (RROD). With these growing pains it will only make them stronger. Especially the paths microsoft and Sony have taken, each of their stratagies is to learn from eachother mistakes (Microsoft-Cheaping out on quality of hardware, Sony-Developemental Tools) and to build some uber machine compared to their competitors. The PS3 really has not panned out like was expected for games. Developers are advancing much slower than expected, and still experiencing growing pains to this point. I think developers will have a much better feel to tap the more advanced consoles in a few years time, which in that time Microsoft will come out with a superior console and take the superior hardware and use it to its potential. The only choice for Sony is too release a PS4, in that case the PS3 will be nothing but a Blu-Ray player and the 360 will be a dvd player collecting dust.
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Junior Audioholic
as time goes on, the lifespan will also shorten, at which point it will be too much... moores law (or the one that will follow it o_O) will make consoles obsolete within 2-3 years...

cant wait :D


Audioholic Jedi
I don't get the impression Microsoft will try to one up the PS3 in terms of hardware. People are still hesitant over the PS3 even with current pricing despite what you get and if MS makes something that ultimately would have to cost more in order to have the kind of hardware they'd need to be better, that would be a big mistake. Not to mention the Wii has been extremely successful with lesser graphics and hardware and a lower price. It will be interesting to see what MS does - I think they will have to basically equal the PS3 in terms of hardware, charge less for it, and offer some additional features possibly on XBL (or make XBL free, or a limited access free account). I am sure MS is thinking about what they need to do to beat the PS3, but if they wait another year or so, they will have a better system that will simply be surpassed again when the "PS4" comes out and they will be the ones fighting a system that already has years of development. At first I though Sony trying to release so far behind the 360 was a mistake. Now I think it was actually pretty smart...


Audioholic Ninja
I don't get the impression Microsoft will try to one up the PS3 in terms of hardware. People are still hesitant over the PS3 even with current pricing despite what you get and if MS makes something that ultimately would have to cost more in order to have the kind of hardware they'd need to be better, that would be a big mistake. Not to mention the Wii has been extremely successful with lesser graphics and hardware and a lower price. It will be interesting to see what MS does - I think they will have to basically equal the PS3 in terms of hardware, charge less for it, and offer some additional features possibly on XBL (or make XBL free, or a limited access free account). I am sure MS is thinking about what they need to do to beat the PS3, but if they wait another year or so, they will have a better system that will simply be surpassed again when the "PS4" comes out and they will be the ones fighting a system that already has years of development. At first I though Sony trying to release so far behind the 360 was a mistake. Now I think it was actually pretty smart...
When it comes to Sony's bottom line, it has not been a good move to release the system later than its competitors. If they could do it over they probably would not have done this. They are last in console sales right now. They missed out on a lot of the market share ($$$$$) simply by doing this.

When a new console comes out, the consumer will be always paying a premium for it. Demand will surpass supply and they will charge accordingly. MS will have no problems selling conoles even at a hefty premium over the PS3. I don't think Microsfts course of action would be to build a system equivalent to the PS3 but to build something more powerful, faster, bigger (hard drive). The MS console will be out for a year, then sony will unleash there beast and the cycle continues.....


Audioholic Jedi
They were thinking long term and wanted to get the hardware right, though clearly they didn't really expected sales to be as poor as they were initially and obviously could not have forseen the Wii doing so well.


Audioholic Samurai
When it comes to Sony's bottom line, it has not been a good move to release the system later than its competitors. If they could do it over they probably would not have done this. They are last in console sales right now. They missed out on a lot of the market share ($$$$$) simply by doing this.

When a new console comes out, the consumer will be always paying a premium for it. Demand will surpass supply and they will charge accordingly. MS will have no problems selling conoles even at a hefty premium over the PS3. I don't think Microsfts course of action would be to build a system equivalent to the PS3 but to build something more powerful, faster, bigger (hard drive). The MS console will be out for a year, then sony will unleash there beast and the cycle continues.....
I didn't see the Sega Saturn win the 32-bit console war and it came out a year before the PS1 and almost 2 years before the N64.


Audioholic Ninja
I didn't see the Sega Saturn win the 32-bit console war and it came out a year before the PS1 and almost 2 years before the N64.
Sega Saturn did not win for a number of reasons.

- To hard to develop for, lacked 3rd party support

- The console was poorly marketed in North America. Sony's marketing of the PS1 was brilliant.

- The PS1 had superior developmental tools, less money, resources and time to make a game. N64 was cartridge based, scared some developers away because of Sony's well designed machine. The only good games on the n64 were exclusives.

The sega saturn was a powerful machine at that time but if a gaming system lacks developer support than the system fails. A console is only as good as the games.


Full Audioholic
I dont think Sony will need a new console for 6-8 years, except for a slim line model of the PS3. Games are getting so detailed and so complex to develop that Sony would be shooting themselves in the foot to bring out a new console in 4 years.

How long has Grand Tourismo been developing for? And still another year till we get it.
Halo 3 can be completed in half a day, but how long did that take to develop?

The other issue is if Sony or M/S bring out a more powerful console, it could take developers 3-4 years plus to make a game that uses the consoles full capabilities. A lot can happen in that time i.e. developer bankrupts, demographics can change, stock markets can crash and rise etc...
So why have that massive investment in time and resources when everything can go pear shaped very easily?

Only the popular games from previous consoles would get a look-in, or else the games would massively under use the consoles capabilities.

Oh yeah, I dont see a new dvd format coming out for a VERY long time.


Audioholic Jedi
Sony has said a number of times that the PS3's expected life span is 10yrs, so unless there is some big new technology to come out, I wouldn't expect to see another console from them for a while.

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