FINALLY something on this website that I know something about!!!
Appy's ARE fun, but only if you're the surgeon doing them! Anyway, if you had your surgery done laparoscopically (3 little incisions)-- you should be feeling much better within 48 hours of surgery. Most patients say that their pain is different post-operatively, but usually better than the pain when they came into the hospital.
If you had an open procedure (incision 3" or so, on lower R abdomen), then your pain may be a bit worse, but still shouldn't be worse than what you had pre-op.
the speed of your recovery can also be related to whether your appendix was perforated (ruptured) at the time of surgery. If you had perforated appendicitis, you are at increased risk for abcess formation (puss pockets) and wound infections.
If you are having fevers over 101.5F, increasing pain, nausea and vomiting, or any redness around your incision, you should call your surgeon immediately. Otherwise, hang in there, take your pain meds (and stool softeners!), and things will get better. Ice packs do wonders in the first 72 hours to help control pain.
You should be back to normal within 2 weeks-- but much is dependent on which surgery you had, and how severe your appendicitis was.
Now, can I have your insurance information, so I can bill them for a consult? hehehe. kidding. Good luck, hope you're feeling better soon.