MGS4 = best game ever!



Audioholic Ninja
The game is like any other MGS game so it's very cutscene heavy. It's supposed to act like a movie so the game is pretty much 50/50 in terms of cutscenes and gameplay. I am a fan of Japanese style RPG's so I am used to cinematics and for me it makes the game more enthralling. People that are not used to this type of game might find it frustrating at first but you should definitely give it a chance.
Good stuff!!! I can't wait to the play it.


I can't wait to play this game. I have played all of the previous MG games and this one looks like a great one. I still have to get a PS3 very soon....


Audioholic Intern
Walmart Lives up to their promise

I purchased online at walmart. they advertised all blue ray devices receive $100 gift card this week. Website mentioned the 40GB but not the 80GB. I sent customer service a note and this is what they sent back today. Tight!

Thank you for ordering the PlayStation 3 80GB Limited Edition Metal Gear Solid 4 Pack.

We are currently offering $100 Gift Cards with purchases of Blu-ray players on our website. Originally the 80GB PlayStation 3 was not included in this promotion, but we are now extending this offer to include your purchase as well.

This $100 Online Gift Card can be used toward all the great products on, including PS3 games, accessories and much more.

You should receive your Online Gift Card by email within the next week. (One Gift Card per order. This card can be used only online at We will not issue Gift Cards for orders that are canceled.)


Audioholic Chief
I was reading a review about this game and they said about half of the time playing is watching cutscenes. For the people that have played this game what are your thoughts on the cutscsenes and do you think the concept was over done in the game. I have not played the game so are the cinematic scenes too much or is there a nice balance between this and the actual gameplay.
MGS has always been more of an interactive movie than a game (at least from MGS2 up). If you "just want to play" you can always skip the cutscenes, but that detracts from the overall experience and presentation value. It's like GTA4 in that way...except i think the overall cinematic effect is much much better in MGS4 -- the graphics are better, the sound is better, and it's a drama...


Audioholic Samurai
I just read an article saying that Kojima originally wanted uncompressed audio for MGS4 but they had to go with DD instead because it then wouldn't fit on a 50GB BD lol.


Audioholic Samurai
Nice game so far. But I do note that it does not approach the raw environmental and character rendering detail of Uncharted(still the reference of any video game on any platform I have seen so far).. It is very good - better than most for sure - but not at the same level as Uncharted in that area. However, the cinematic approach in MSG4 is incredibly well done - it's like being in and starring in a movie. But, I really don't expect anything to do as good or better environment and character rendering detail until SquareEnix releases the new Final Fantasy game. :)



Audioholic Jedi
Nice game so far. But I do note that it does not approach the raw environmental and character rendering detail of Uncharted(still the reference of any video game on any platform I have seen so far).. It is very good - better than most for sure - but not at the same level as Uncharted in that area. However, the cinematic approach in MSG4 is incredibly well done - it's like being in and starring in a movie. But, I really don't expect anything to do as good or better environment and character rendering detail until SquareEnix releases the new Final Fantasy game. :)

Except maybe the new Prince of Persia that will be using the Assassin's Creed engine...:)

One small issue I have with this one is that it doesn't feel totally revolutionary from MGS3. It has much the same gameplay and style and for it to have been delayed for so long, I must admit I was expecting a bigger difference. The small tweaks to the system do make it more cohesive than 3 was though (not having to unequip a weapon to search a fallen character, love the stun knife, etc...) I feel the grapics are phenomenal - every little detail is well paid attention to. Things that seem so insignificant like debris falling around you or just things blowing around in the wind in your area, are very impressive. It is a different animal in that you aren't drawn into those small details, but every once in a while when they are noticed, they go a LONG way to making it feel that much more real.

The AI is quite a bit more intelligent in this one than any of the previous games, though they still aren't insurmountable. I like the new weapons scheme (Drebin) - the ability to pick up and sell weapons in the field, as well as customize just about any weapon to your liking. Just in the first sequence, there is a lot to do and while the goal is to kill as few as possible, I have been put in situations where there was little else one could do. One of the most impressive sequences I saw so far was when I shot down a chopper with an RPG - it literally took about a minute as you see the pilot fighting with the controls to keep it in the air only for it to explode - this rendered in real time in the engine as I was playing. I literally just stood there and watched it as bullets whizzed by because it was so amazingly well done.

The sound is probably the most impressive aspect of the game. There is a lot of sound that is in your immediate area, but there is also a lot going on in the background. There was one time where you have to sneak around some enemy troops and as you walk down the hall, you can hear them whispering to each other about what they are doing.

So far it is extremely enveloping and the story definitely has a lot of Kojima - hilarious at times (if you have gotten the metal barrel yet, you know what I am talking about), yet very astute and well presented in terms of the nature of war and world politics, and possibilities.

Will report more as I get further along, but so far I think it is very much worth the wait :)


I thought MGS4 is amazing. I am about 10 hours into the game. The cut scenes are long. Not very nice for those gamers that can only get a half hour to an hour of play time. Make sure to save frequently if possible. The cut scenes can be long, but there is a quality story. Not that many games have great stories with plenty of background information and twists and turns. The graphics are amazing. You can tell a few hints of bad graphics, but compared to most games, this is the best of the year with a close second to Devil May Cry 4. I don't want to ruin the story, but you really enjoy the game once you get done with the 2nd act. This game kind of has a slow beginning. I hope there will be a code later to play as Raiden. I've always liked playing MGS when you have a sword.


Audioholic Spartan
I just started Act 3 last weekend. I have pretty much the same impressions as everyone else. The cut scenes are cool, but a little too long. I'm glad to see Vamp back. He was my favorite character from MGS2.

The sound is VERY well done. Surrounds are used nicely.

I think the fight with Laughing Octopus is one of my all time favorites. Very creepy.

About my only complaint is that I've always wanted to play MG in Japanese with English subtitles. Sometimes the lip sync seems way off. Some scenes it looks like they're speaking English, and other times it looks like a bad Kung Fu movie.

Anyone else think Naomi looks dead on Monica Belucci? :D


Audioholic Jedi
Two funny little things that I noticed while playing: Sunny has both a PSP and a PS3 :)


Audioholic Spartan
Finished it on Saturday night. It's always kind of a bummer when I finish a game. I'd say it was very cool. Don't know if I'd call it the best game ever.


Audioholic Jedi
I am trying to get through with as few kills as possible. No kills the first time through is a bit tough, especially if you are trying to locate as many bonus items as possible. I have been taking my time with it, but I do have to say it is a little too similar to MGS3 in most respects. The levels and situations aren't blowing me away the way they did with MGS3. It is very fun though, and has a lot of fun little tidbits as well as it being interesting to see how they "wrap up" many of the series questions.


Audioholic Chief
There also look to be two more MGS games in least according to one of the cut scenes. When he's talking about "War is a game" it quickly scrolls through all the games in the series and there are two extra boxes at the end that are blank.

Of course, they could be PSP versions or a "Subsistence" version. But it doesn't look like MGS is done yet.


Do you think it's worth getting the Trilogy they just released? I haven't played a Metal Gear game in awhile. I figure that way I'll get a refresher. I remember playing the first one on NEs. That's when games were crazy hard. Or does MGS4 bring you up to speed


Audioholic Samurai
Do you think it's worth getting the Trilogy they just released? I haven't played a Metal Gear game in awhile. I figure that way I'll get a refresher. I remember playing the first one on NEs. That's when games were crazy hard. Or does MGS4 bring you up to speed
Well if you want to fully understand the story I suggest you play MGS1 and 2. MGS4 has a lot of backstory from those two games and they don't go into full detail explaining everything, especially when it comes to characters. For example you will not understand a single thing about Raiden unless you play MGS2.


Audioholic Jedi
There are a TON of references to 1, 2 and 3. They do give you a little bit of info, but if you don't remember from the former games, you will still be in the dark about a lot of stuff they are talking about. I finished it last week. Good stuff. Yes, I noticed the two empty boxes, and there are definitely still story lines that were left completely open... I heard that development for MGS5 was already confirmed.

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