The crossover was custom designed by John "Zaph" Krutke. I'm willing to accept that he did a good job with the design. I wanted to confirm that I constructed it correctly, with something better than a visual inspection.
I performed a listening test ... it does sound pretty good, but then I'm half deaf and never had very good taste ... so probably not terribly accurate.
I don't make very wise spending decisions, but paying a few thousand dollars to test speakers that cost hundreds is a little too much even for me.
One other alternative, I have Denon 3808-CI receiver. It tries to equalize the speakers. The microphone is by no means reference quality, nor do I have an anechoic chamber, but that might show gross distortions.
I thought there might be software that would use your computer sound card to emit test tones and the sound card's ADC to measure frequency response. Again, not reference quality, but ought to be more accurate than my hearing.