AAAAHHHHHGGGGAAAA I just deleted my music collection!!!



:eek::eek::eek:Oh my god I just committed the worst mistake ever. I just deleted all my music and movies from my hard drive before I saved to my new hard drive. What a TOOL I am.......:(


Audioholic Overlord
:eek::eek::eek:Oh my god I just committed the worst mistake ever. I just deleted all my music and movies from my hard drive before I saved to my new hard drive. What a TOOL I am.......:(
Bummer man. Can you go into undelete and see if you can get it back? Perhaps there are some real good computer people here that could lend a hand and help out. Just a though. Good luck Jamie.


mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Phil is right, there used to be a computer software that could retrieve info even when the HD was formatted already.


Anyone want to send me some music?

Well its all gone most of the stuff I can get again but there was some stuff that I am really gonna miss. If anyone has some music they want to transfer to cd or dvd and send me some I will pay for your time and shipping.. Just a thought..:(


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry to hear that. I had a hard drive fail with my entire collection (200+) CDs on it, as well as some DVDs. Sure, I can rip them all over again, but the odds of me taking the time to do it again are's already been two and half years and I haven't done it.


Audioholic Samurai
My god, big time bummer Jamie - I had a similar thing happen to me a few years back - this is what prompted me to learn to value of backing up my hard drive mind you - about five years and 40 GB worth of stored music, gone the instant my HDD felt a need to s**t the bed.

Nowadays like mentioned already I believe there are programs and such that can retrieve the deleted information, although I've never looked into them personally. Might be worth a shot. :eek:

At any rate best of luck to you brother - that one hurts like a sonofab**ch.


Audioholic Overlord
You emptied the recycling bin as well? As others mentioned, there is software out there that can get it all back.


Audioholic Overlord
Jamie, see if there is a specialty computer or electronics store there where you are locally. Perhaps, they may be of some assistance. I will check here locally tomorrow for you myself. Maybe there is a place that can help. Do you have any friends/neighbors that are very good w/computer software and such??? I know the FBI could do it, but it is doubtful they would help. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Just throwing out some other ideas here. Good luck my friend.


Last edited:


Audioholic Samurai
If you used the Microsoft Recycle Bin then it is all still there. The Rcecycle bin just changes the first digit from 1 to 0. Files can still be retrieved. The only thing that really sucks is that you'll have to rename everything! There are programs out there that are free to use.

Try this link for a place to start...

That really sucks...:(

Good luck.



Jamie, see if there is a specialty computer or electronics store there where you are locally. Perhaps, they may be of some assistance. I will check here locally tomorrow for you myself. Maybe there is a place that can help. Do you have any friends/neighbors that are very good w/computer software and such??? I know the FBI could do it, but it is doubtful they would help. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Just throwing out some other ideas here. Good luck my friend.


Thanks Phil I am going to have an Apple freak come over and look at it tomorrow. I will hope and pray for a fix....:confused:


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks Phil I am going to have an Apple freak come over and look at it tomorrow. I will hope and pray for a fix....:confused:
Your welcome Jamie. I keep forgetting that you have an apple computer. Hey, just give Apple a call on Monday as I am sure they can help. You may also want to check your closest university because some of the profs are also very good at this kind of stuff. Hopefully, your friend can get it done for you. Once again, good luck my friend.




Senior Audioholic
Well its all gone most of the stuff I can get again but there was some stuff that I am really gonna miss. If anyone has some music they want to transfer to cd or dvd and send me some I will pay for your time and shipping.. Just a thought..:(
Thats illegal and unethical but you should be able to retrieve your collection, nothing is truely deleted until gisk space gets overwritten.....just ask thousands of fellows in jail from corporate thieves to child pornographers.


Audioholic Samurai
Thanks Phil I am going to have an Apple freak come over and look at it tomorrow. I will hope and pray for a fix....:confused:
Sorry, I kinda assumed you were working on a PC. My bad. There are other file retrieval programs available on cnet. Change the filter to read Mac and not PC.

Seriously, good luck!



Audioholic Warlord
Oh man, really sorry for you !!!!

If the tools don't do it there are IT companies around that recover hard drives, no matter what happened and the condition..... but unfortunately that's very expensive. Probably at least a couple of thousand dollars. But still possible.....


Audioholic Spartan
Anyways... don't you think that Metallica, Madonna and 50 Cent are wealthy enough?
The subject of downloading music is very touchy but that is a weak argument. Bring it down to a slightly lower strata - if one has a net worth just shy of one million (you know, average everyday people that have been working and investing for 20-30 years) is it also ok to steal from them?

From the New Radicals song You Get What You Give: 'The bad rich, god's flying in for your trial'.


Audioholic Jedi
To the OP, if your friendly resident Apple freak isn't able to help you out, perhaps you could try asking over at the forums at They might be able to help you out.

When I lost my collection, I still had most of it around on disc somewhere. That sucks if you deleted your only copy. But, as mouettus pointed out, this might be a good opportunity to refresh your library with some new stuff. Still sucks, though.


I am sorry that you had lost your files. Not that this will help you now, but perhaps something can be learned by all of us here -- backup your data continuously! I've been using computers for 30 years now and this is something I learned long ago. Besides deleting data by mistake (we all have done this), hard disks are very unreliable. Since hard drives are so large now-a-days, I would recommend the following for such hard drive backups. Buy a USB external hard drive that is at least as large as your internal drive. Then set up a script to carry out backups on this external drive at least on a monthly basis (weekly would be better). Since Mac-OS is based on Unix now-a-days, writing such a "cron" script is not too difficult (I'll be happy to post one here that I use on my Linux boxes if you like). Good luck in getting your files recovered if you decide to pursue that option.


Audioholic Warlord
I am sorry that you had lost your files. Not that this will help you now, but perhaps something can be learned by all of us here -- backup your data continuously! I've been using computers for 30 years now and this is something I learned long ago. Besides deleting data by mistake (we all have done this), hard disks are very unreliable. Since hard drives are so large now-a-days, I would recommend the following for such hard drive backups. Buy a USB external hard drive that is at least as large as your internal drive. Then set up a script to carry out backups on this external drive at least on a monthly basis (weekly would be better). Since Mac-OS is based on Unix now-a-days, writing such a "cron" script is not too difficult (I'll be happy to post one here that I use on my Linux boxes if you like). Good luck in getting your files recovered if you decide to pursue that option.
I also always keep at least one copy of everything important.....
Ideally in another physical location.
I want to say that hard drives are NOT unreliable, they are incredibly reliable. The thing is thought that a hard drive may fail, without any pre-warning. Which is why the backup is so important!


Audioholic Jedi
I am sorry that you had lost your files. Not that this will help you now, but perhaps something can be learned by all of us here -- backup your data continuously! I've been using computers for 30 years now and this is something I learned long ago. Besides deleting data by mistake (we all have done this), hard disks are very unreliable. Since hard drives are so large now-a-days, I would recommend the following for such hard drive backups. Buy a USB external hard drive that is at least as large as your internal drive. Then set up a script to carry out backups on this external drive at least on a monthly basis (weekly would be better). Since Mac-OS is based on Unix now-a-days, writing such a "cron" script is not too difficult (I'll be happy to post one here that I use on my Linux boxes if you like). Good luck in getting your files recovered if you decide to pursue that option.
Excellent points! With Leopard, I believe that Apple allows automatic back-ups using Time Machine. Get a Time Capsule, and it's easy as pie.

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