I just did some math that made me sad



I was having a discussion with a co-worker today about gas prices and how the Ford F-Series Truck is no longer the best selling vehicle in America.

We did some Googling to compare our local (BC) gas price to the USA and the UK. This is what I came up with:

According to Google,
1 US Gallon = 3.78541178 Liters
1 Liter = 0.264172052 US Gallons

Here are the gas prices based on those conversions
    	$/Gal	$/Liter
USA	 $3.80 	 $1.00 
CAN	 $5.26 	 $1.39 
UK	 $8.05 	 $2.13
[Edit] The Canadian dollar is basically even with the US Dollar right now ($0.9975 CAD for ever $1 USD).


Complaining would be $5 a gl at the marina to fill up a 300 gl tank so we can go to the bahamas for the weekend:p


Full Audioholic
Keeps me from saying much.

I can't help that Canadians are just completely ready to accept the prices, I can't share in that passive state of mind.
I for one am not ready to accept the prices, but honestly, what can you do about it. Yes, I can get a higher mileage vechicle (already looking) and I can drive less (already do), but really, there is very little I can do to lower gas prices. I can, and have, write to my provincial and federal gov't about the taxes charged on gas, but even if they did lower, or eliminate, them, the savings would be quickly sucked up by the next increase in gas prices.

I live in Alberta, a province driven by the oil industry, and while we do pay a few pennies less for gas, we were at $1.299/litre on the way to work this morning, than most places it really is not enough to make a difference.

Everyday I commute to work and see huge SUVs and full size pick-ups driving with one person, and around here most of those extravegant vehicles were bought with money earned in the oil industry. Put that together with record profits the gas companies are seeing nowdays and any real battle on my part against gas prices is pretty much a waste of my time as those who profit from it are not likely to budge an inch on the prices.

Chevron Corp.'s = $18.7 billion in 2007
Exxon Mobil = $40.6 billion in 2007

(data taken from San Francisco Chronicle Feb 2 2008)

Petro-Canada, Royal Dutch Shell and BP collectively hauled in $17.8 billion in first-quarter profits
(data taken from The Toronto Star Apr 30 2008)

Yes, some of these profits go back into exploration and what not (how much do you think goes into the development of alternative energy sources?), but there are some people making buckets of money from this

I am not passive by any means and I am always ready to fight for a just cause, but I am also a realist and know there is very little I can do about it.

After all, we created our own dependancy on oil, and the fact that we didn't see this coming, or if we did ignored it, is nothing but our own fault as well.

Passive, no. Canadian, yes, EH! :D

Cheers all


Audioholic Overlord
That was less of a jab at Canadians, more a jab at Sheep.:D

Enough people together can make a world of difference, you and others can make a difference.

"Remember, remember, the 5th of November"


Audioholic Jedi
Enough people together can make a world of difference...
Heck, one man can make a difference. Well, as long as he has an intelligent and self-aware Firebird. Ironically, he wouldn't be able to afford the gas to drive it around, though... :)


Senior Audioholic
Chevron Corp.'s = $18.7 billion in 2007
Exxon Mobil = $40.6 billion in 2007

(data taken from San Francisco Chronicle Feb 2 2008)

Petro-Canada, Royal Dutch Shell and BP collectively hauled in $17.8 billion in first-quarter profits
(data taken from The Toronto Star Apr 30 2008)

Yes, some of these profits go back into exploration and what not (how much do you think goes into the development of alternative energy sources?),
Not being very familar with how a corporation does it's taxes, wouldn't money spent on exploration and R&D be accounted for as an expense before profits?


Full Audioholic
That was less of a jab at Canadians, more a jab at Sheep.:D
No jab taken Seth=L so no worries :)

I do agree that the masses can make a difference, but the first challenge is to get the masses to agree to try to make a difference.

Where I work there are about 6 gas stations within a 3 block radius and all except one have the same gas price, $1.299/litre. The one is at $126.4/litre. All of them are major gas companies. Can you guess which one is the slowset in terms of customers?

I tell you though, when there is a fuel surcharge imposed on delivery of a certian green leaf product, then the masses will revolt. :D
(I am British Columbia born and raised)



Full Audioholic
Not being very familar with how a corporation does it's taxes, wouldn't money spent on exploration and R&D be accounted for as an expense before profits?
Very good point Mudcat. I guess I was giving the benefit of the doubt as I did not have a breakdown of the profits, but just the gross number (pun intended)

Taking that into account, the picture is even worse


Full Audioholic
While the oil companies are certainly raking it in, look at what our government is getting:

Holy cow! Who is making more off oil now?!?!

Source: http://www.taxfoundation.org/publications/show/1139.html
Brings a lot of things into perspective. Tried to find something similar far Canada but have had no luck yet, but imagine it is similar.

Worst part is that governments, both Canada and the US, are elected and are working in our best interests :rolleyes:



Audioholic Chief
That was less of a jab at Canadians, more a jab at Sheep.:D

Enough people together can make a world of difference, you and others can make a difference.

"Remember, remember, the 5th of November"
Yeah but that's a movie my friend. Come over and blow the parliament off so I can film you, sell it for profits and have no problems paying my gaz bills ever :D

Seriously... what happens when thousands of ppl get along and protest? Oh yeah... they close a street or two, it lasts a day and then thank you come again. They go home and it's like nothing ever happened. There are some things you cannot rise against: death, politics, taxes and gaz prices (and sometimes women lol). It would take a whole continent in front of the white house to make 'em move.


Full Audioholic
It would take a whole continent in front of the white house to make 'em move.
....and imagine how much gas would be used to get the entire continent to the white house or parliment buildings.

Betcha the oil companies would sponsor the protest....:D


Senior Audioholic
I would like to compare gas prices in all the above countries, taking into consideration the average cost of living, and average yearly income per household in each. I havent done any research on this subject, and i doubt i could find all the info needed, but it would be a better comparison rather than to just say what each country pays for their fuel. I really feel like the only ones not getting the shaft in the whole deal is the oil companies.


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