We agree more than it appeared at first.
Regarding being able to afford high gas prices, quite a few people are in a bad way due to their own choices. When they originally went to the dealer to buy a car, did anyone point a gun to their head and make them buy a huge SUV instead of a much cheaper economy car? Did anyone point a gun at their head and make them buy a house far away from work, so that they would have a long drive to work, and therefore need more fuel? Were they so stupid that they did not realize, regardless of some temporary fluctuations in price up and down, that the overall trend has been increasing fuel prices for decades, and that it is only reasonable to suppose that prices will tend to overall go higher in the future? Additionally, most people do not spend their money wisely, and waste it foolishly, so they don't have a reserve. Excluding those who are extremely poor (and therefore are unable to do so), only stupid people don't live well within their means. Most people who have a problem frankly have a problem due to their own gross stupidity. If it were all unforeseeable or everything totally out of their control, I would have sympathy for them. But there is no getting around the fact that people who do stupid things without thinking about the future are going to have some nasty surprises. To use a homely expression, they have made their beds, and now they must lie in them.