I have joined the Dark Side..



Audioholic General
by purchasing a PS3 for Blu-Ray and GTA4. :D

It's kinda funny, the HD-A2 sits beside the PS3 and none of them have blown up yet :D

So far, I'm really liking the BD actually. The upscaler in the PS3 is also very nice.

I might think about selling the HD-A2 and movies... but I want to get the Matrix Trilogies on BD before that happens.


Wish the ps3 had a better games catalog, though I've read it might be the MMO platform of the near future.


Audioholic General
Wish the ps3 had a better games catalog, though I've read it might be the MMO platform of the near future.
I'm with ya on that one, the list is kinda shortish, but I do like:

The Darkness

I can't remember any others right now but GT5 coming out I will definitely get when it ships.


Audioholic Overlord
I am speachless atm.:D I am enjoying my new TV with the PS3 as a Blu-ray and upscaling DVD player. More details on this later.

Yetti, don't forget to mention how the noise level of the HD-A2 compares to the PS3.;)


Audioholic General
I am speachless atm.:D I am enjoying my new TV with the PS3 as a Blu-ray and upscaling DVD player. More details on this later.

Yetti, don't forget to mention how the noise level of the HD-A2 compares to the PS3.;)
Yeah... the HD-A2 is louder than my PS3 operating normally.


Audioholic Chief
Since 2.10 I think, Sony has made huge enhancements for upscaling SD sources. I don't remember the title, but for the fist time this week I put a DVD in and didn't bother the 480p. It was very sharp. Not 1080p sharp but at least the picture looks way clearer when upscaling. I though my computer was doing great... pfff lol.

I'm so glad I bought this machine!! Woth every penny and I don't even play games (ok... NHL 08 once per 2 weeks).


Audioholic Jedi
My A2 has been silent for some time because I simply won't buy any more movies for it. It isn't worth anything to sell, nor are the movies at this point for the most part.

Congrats! :D

Now that the pricing for the BD-50 is going to be fairly high, I may just pick up a second PS3 instead, just for movies.


Audioholic General
I guess it's time to come out of the closet. Hi, my name is Jim and I have Monster speaker cables plus a few interconnects. In my defense, I've had most of it for 10 years, long before I knew any better. All my recent stuff has come from Blue Jeans.


PS: No Bose products, though. I may have been ignorant but I'm not really stupid.


Audioholic General
oh shi- he divided by zero!

Yep... the PS3 is doing well... over a week into GTA4 and I'm about 40% done wit the single player... :eek:

Time to find a big HD and install Linux...


Audioholic Jedi
LOL. Friday I completed the last of the A class races on Prologue. With tuning available (after A class is complete), you have a lot more options and on unrestricted tracks you can drop your weight to 85% of original and add a ton more HP (depending on the car) :) Most of them I got bronze on the first time out, and I just spent the time to Gold or Silver as many as I could. Some were easy to gold, others not so easy to get that last car. The S Class is a LOT harder though, mainly due to the penalty system.


Audioholic General
What's the deal with prologue? I know that GT5 will be coming out.. but why did they make that game? If you get it, and then get GT5, does it do something?

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