Having had a chance to A/B these two subs directly, I thought I'd post my impressions as this topic comes up quite often.
Looks: The x-sub's real wood veneer beats out the bland STF-1 vinyl hands down.
Build Quality: The STF-1 uses 3/4" MDF and the x-sub uses 1" MDF. Both are excellent overall, but I found the STF-1 a little better in terms of overall construction. The x-sub does suffer a few minor problems. First, the amp goes into standby after about a minute or two of no feed and when it does, you hear it turn off with either a buzz or pop. It's annoying as it turns on and off as a movie progresses and is noticeable at low to moderates volumes. The STF-1 on the other hand waits like 10-15 minutes before going to standby and makes no noise when it does so its operation is seamless. Second, the amp plate sometimes rattles. And third, air sometime gets through the cabinet at the 180 phase switch. Av123 is aware of these issues and are likely moving to correct them. The air leak is easily corrected DIY.
Sound Quality: Both are excellent and reach down to around 30hz. I felt the STF-1 could reach the lower frequencies a little cleaner and no port noise was detected at all. But this was only by a hair. Both subs were musical. Overall, I felt the STF-1 didn't give up any ground to the x-sub in terms of musicality and was hair better in HT.
Customer Service: Both are excellent. Enough said.
Warranty: The STF-1's warranty is 7 years on the woofer and 2 years on electronics. This warranty is transferable. The x-sub's warranty is 3 years and the warranty is not transferable. If buying used from someone, I'd have to give the nod to the STF-1.
Sensitivity: The x-sub needed a bit more voltage than the STF-1 to get singing, but neither sub presented a problem.
Overall, both subs were excellent values. The x-sub looks better than the STF-1, but I felt the STF-1 had an slight edge overall. The STF-1 will cost $320 shipped vs. x-sub at $240 shipped (assuming black). The STF-1 often goes on sale and can be had for $274 shipped. Can't go wrong either way really. It'll be interesting when the new Dayton HSU subs are released as the 8" model is the same price as the x-sub.