I have been doing my best to go from “kinda know it” to “know it all” on home theater systems over the past few weeks, and I think I am currently on the verge of going postal. As some background, I am looking for a new system for my living room, the room is 22’x25’, has 9’ flat ceilings, thick carpeted floors, and grooved wood paneling (which is hideous but may help in sound dispersion/absorption). I would say over all a good room for a home theater though it is a little large. After discovering, to my surprise, that Bose systems are actually crap, I found two manufacturers that seemed well liked by those in the know, Aperion and Axiom. The Aperion system I am looking at is the Intimus 5T Hybrid HD (aperionaudio.com/product/Intimus-5T-Hybrid-HD,122,71,279.aspx) , sorry I can't post links here. The Axiom system I am looking into is the epic 50-350 (axiomaudio.com/epic50_350.html) I would be substituting the Vp150V2 center (axiomaudio.com/vp150.html) for the Vp100V2, since I will be 12'-15' back from the TV. I can't decide which would be a better route, the Axioms come out a little cheaper but not much, I thought I would consult a group of people who know better than I, either way these are pricey systems, if anyone has a better recommendation (especially if that means cheaper!) please help a poor poor man save his sanity, and his wallet.