Well, numbers help, you're right on that. Back in the dark ages of audio (the 70s) we were all concerned with S/N ratios, wow and flutter, rumble, frequency responses, and all that. Even a 0.01% difference between gear was a big thing.
I don't get that sense with today's afficianados. Maybe it's because all the gear is so competitive in that area. Or maybe that's not as important as total watts and the number of inputs and outputs something has, since a lot of people today are more home theater oriented than pure audio.
My contention has always been, however, that you take the best gear, then take the best turntable and the best CD player, use similar source material (meaning the same album on pristine vinyl and CD), I doubt that many people would be able to tell the difference in overall quality, but I do think that the vinyl will sound fuller and warmer and closer to the ideal of what music is.
But that again could be my own prejudice against digital since music is analog.